SEC-S10W4 – "The big opportunity"

in Steem Venezuelalast year


Opportunity is said to come but once, which means once you miss it you can not get it back easily but then there is always a way of making good use of opportunity opened to us.

In this contest I'm going to be sharing my great future opportunity in life, let me start dreaming big 😃

What would be the great opportunity of your life?

There are so many opportunities I wish to have and there are some I had already but then the one I really wish now is to have is to receive an appointment letter by the federal government to start work. This is an opportunity I'm waiting for, to receive an opportunity to work with the federal government which I know the payment will be enough to satisfy my immediate needs.

Having a good paying job is really challenging, unemployment is everywhere but then we survive with our hustle when such is not available but if available that's the opportunity I wish to have.


How are you working to achieve this opportunity?

I've been renewing my licence for the past 4 years now without having a good paying job, I'm always acquiring more skills and learning other health courses in preparation to upgrade my knowledge in my field of studies which will make my application more valuable to look into.

I also keep track so when portals is open for employment I can apply, I'm always encouraged never to give up on something till I achieved it. I know it's not easy but then I do all things to be sure the opportunity has not passed me by.

I also try visiting this facilities to be sure I'm updated on their next employment vacancy


This opportunity will bring benefits to your life (economic, social, technological, commercial, etc.)

It will bring a lot of benefits to my life of which all this angles wil be touched and changed for a long time.

  • First; my financial status will change for better, my monthly expenses is even more than my earnings monthly so with this regards the federal government job will help me take care of my monthly needs.

  • Second; with my little place of work I'm exposed to many people, so with this I hope I will be exposed to more people which will lead to possibly another opportunity.

  • Third; when it comes to technology I know I've seen them a lot but then there are higher technology used in the hospital in laboratories, theatre, scan rooms, x-ray etc.

I can recall sometime last month I went to drop my application in one of this hospitals, I didn't touch any doors with my hands, neither did I hear my foot steps the hospital was quiet and neat. All door has a sensor that open itself once detected that someone is walking towards the door, then I think there is also a sound proof installed which makes everywhere so quiet.

Perhaps there are other technology I didn't see because I'm not working there so my exposure there will help me learn so many things I really wish I could have such an opportunity.

I will like to invite @ubongudofot @beautiful12 and @goodybest to take part in this contest



 last year 

@eliany, Surely you are already working to achieve that goal, you are very young and you have a long way to go.

Knowledge and experience are fundamental pillars to set up any business. In your case, you are already working in your uncle's pharmacy.

In addition to the fact that the time is very long for them to give you permission from the pharmacy, you are already processing it, I hope you meet the requirements and they give it to you in the stipulated time, as you say, for at least three years.

In addition to your benefit that you will get to achieve your goal, where you will be a prosperous man, I hope that the next era for paquistab will not only be beneficial for the businessmen but also for the workers and employees.

I say goodbye wishing you have a happy day.

Oh thank you for your comments

Nice contest @eliany

Having Federal Government work will be better and you deserve it, My your wishes come true!

Thank you 💓

 last year 

Hola @eliany, una excelente participación, pues espero que muy pronto puedas tener ese empleo que tanto anhela, y así tener un mejor estado económico que de darían un buen beneficio estable para ti y tu familia.

Exactly I really wish, thank you so much I appreciate

Hello dear friend, @eliany

  • I pray that you can get an appointment letter from the federal government. It is really challenging to get a good paying job, unemployment is everywhere. Although it is really difficult to get a job with a good salary, if we trust in Allah, we will get it. You set your goals and work diligently to advance them. I believe that you can reach the goal.

Best regards from @robin42


 last year 

Esperamos que se presente su gran oportunidad, que ese nombramiento del gobierno federal llegue cuanto antes para que sus urgencias económicas desaparezcan y pueda aplicar sus conocimientos a través de un empleo formal, además pueda acceder al aprendizaje de otras tecnologías. Continúe mientras tanto atento a su preparación para que aproveche las oportunidades que aparezcan... Éxitos, amigo.

 last year 

Usted ha estado enfocada en algo muy importante que es la preparación y la formación, un aspecto fundamental para tener una mejor postulación y recibir la carta de nombramiento por parte del gobierno federal.

Éxitos en el concurso.

 last year 

Hi, friend, I hope that soon you can achieve this opportunity that will bring many benefits to your life, starting with obtaining this personal achievement for which you are working so hard and a better economy for your family.

It is very true, when you are in the labor field, it is more likely that better opportunities will arrive, I know that you will be ready to take advantage of each one of them.

Go ahead and I hope that soon you can announce your admission to the hospital and in the area you want

Success and blessings!

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Oh thank you a lot I appreciate your nice comments, I really wish, thanks for the reviy

 last year 

Gracias por ser parte de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela, tu publicación ha sido recompensada por La cuenta Comunitaria @teamvenezuela de la Comunidad Oficial Steem Venezuela.

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There are so many opportunities that can be obtained in life depending on how we can make good use of them. Here I see you have obtained a great opportunity to be appointed by the federal government with a job that has a very good salary, this will definitely change all lines of your life for the better. And everyone really wants that

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