Diary Game|| 10th June 2024|| Helping my mother to work on palm fruits procession.

in Steem Venezuela14 days ago


Dear Diary

Hi friends today I will be sharing with you how my Monday turn out to be one of my unprepared day of the week but first am so excited to be here with all of you in this wonderful platform sharing my diary game and also participate in any community contest too, it a very big moment for me.

Let get start on how my Monday turn out to be a busy and stressful day for me.

I travel to village during the weekend to help my parents in some domestic work like going to farm and others since I doesn't go to work during the weekend so I have to travel down they to help them in doing anything but this time it wasn't as it usually be, but the weekend work was successful.

When I get up early on Monday morning to prepare myself so that I can travel back to the town, I hear my mom call me from her room and ask me to help her do something, at first I was shock when I hear that because she know I will be leaving in the next 10 minutes but I have to listen to what she is going to sent me.

All I could hear was I should help her and process the little palm fruit that is in the house so that they will be oil for cooking and other things. I couldn't say a word because she was pleading me to help her and do it. What a surprise moment

That was how my day started. After having my breakfast which I usually rich because I love rice so much I have to relax first thinking of the work that I am about to start the time it is going to take and stress, so I relax and go through my internet to see what is happening and to my telegram for my tapping ooo.

The process started within 9:00 to 9:30am in the morning, I didn't check the time when I started the work.

IMG20240610082537.jpgthe palm fruit mix with spikelets

First I have to separate the palm fruit from spikelets with the use of my hand and it take a lot of time but I try all my best to be as fast as flash. lol!!

When I was done sperating the palm fruit from the palm beaches, I pack them to our palm fruit mill way the rest of the work will continue.

When all the palm fruit was they, I set the big pot that I use in Cooking the palm fruit because that was how I was born to see my parents and others doing. But I come to know that cooking palm fruit with hot water helps in preventing enzymes to broken down into the oil and it also help in avoiding free fatty acids (FFA)content of oil to be high.

IMG20240610154604.jpgpalm fruit inside big pot ready to be cook

After packing the palm fruit inside the pot, I fatch water from the nearest tap which I will using it for cooking and I fatch it till the water cover the whole palm fruit before I rest and find a little snack to eat before my power finish 😉

After my small rest I start planning on how I will set fire on this big pot but I have to start it small by small till they was fire all over the whole pot. Big congrats 👏

IMG20240610161022.jpgfire is set

I waited for the palm fruit to be done so that I can pack them to the machine I will use for grinding and I grind them into small size so that I press it for the oil to come out and I was assisted with my brother that just come back from school.

IMG20240610174949.jpgGrinding mechanic doing is work

So after grinding all the palm fruit I pack them in to the presser and press it till all the oil that was inside come out and was happy because my stress haven't be in vain.

My oil was really for any pupose like cooking or anything that oil can be use for or to be sold if I wanted to sell it.

IMG20240610180251.jpgmy fresh palm oil

It didn't end the, I have take to another mechanic that will separate the palm kernel from spikelets to make the palm kernel look nice. After the process was done I have to press the spikelets again for the remaining oil that was inside till it was totally dry and pack the kernel inside bags so that I can take it back home for drying

Before returning back home it was already late in the night around 7:30pm in the evening. On getting home with the oil and other things I saw a smile on my mother face and she thanks me for helping her out.
Thank you for reading about my day!

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