Steemit Engagement Challenge S10W2: Happy Stories 12,june,2023 @danishkalya



A friend of mine lives in my own vill. I'll tell you the story of Ahmad.
Ahmed was known for his sportful nature and was always up to some kind of mischief.
One day, Ahmed's academy blazoned a spelling competition. The winner of the competition would admit a prize and be honored as the stylish lexicon in the academy.

Ahmed, being competitive and wanting to have some fun, decided to share in the competition. The day of the competition arrived, and all the scholars gathered in the academy theater .

The star blazoned that each party would be given a word, and they had to spell it rightly to move on to the coming round. The pressure was high, and all the scholars were concentrated.

When it was Ahmed's turn, the star gave him a grueling word" floccinaucinihilipilification." The word was notoriously long and delicate to spell. Ahmed had noway heard of it ahead and had no idea how to spell it. But rather of admitting defeat, Ahmed decided to take a humorous approach.

He started spelling the word confidently, saying," F- L- O- C- C- I- N-A-U-C-I-N-I-H-I-L-I-P-I-L-I-F-I-C-A-T-I-O-N, floccinaucinihilipilification." The whole theater burst into horselaugh. Indeed the star could not help but chortle at Ahmed's bold attempt. Ahmed had turned a grueling situation into a funny bone.

Although Ahmed did not win the spelling competition, his funny spelling attempt came the talk of the academy. From that day on, whenever someone mentioned the word" floccinaucinihilipilification," everyone would burst into horselaugh, flashing back Ahmed's ridiculous moment.
Ahmed's sportful nature and capability to find humor in unanticipated situations made him a cherished character in the vill. People would frequently seek him out when they demanded a good laugh.

And so, the story of Ahmed and his funny spelling attempt came a legend in the small vill of Pakistan, reminding everyone that occasionally, it's okay to laugh at ourselves and find joy in the unanticipated.

Special Thanks,

 last year 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

La actitud es un elemento protagónico e indispensable en la vida por lo tanto, es muy importante que esta sea la adecuada porque, en todas las situaciones (Sobre todo las adversas), esto es lo que nos ayuda para salir adelante de todas las circunstancias que tenemos en el transcurso de la vida.

Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thanks A Lot Mam, Great And Lovely Comment

How sweet is Ahmed response and have very sweet nature and hopefully you have enjoyed alot.

Good luck

Thank You Mam Doctor Hira Saiba.

Ahamed's behavior is hilarious. Although he doesn't know how to spell the word, his response is very sweet. Then how can anyone remain silent?
Good luck with the contest @danishkalya.

Thank You So MuCh Mam,

Saludos amiga

Gran historia la de Ahmed y creo que además es muy aleccionadora porque no hay nada más importante en la vida que tener buena actitud y definitivamente Ahmed la tuvo , porque a pesar de no conocer la palabra y no saber deletrear correctamente hizo de su tragedia un chiste y eso es de genios, creo que ninguno se los que estaba en el teatro ese día olvidará el carisma de Ahmed

Buen suerte 🤞

Thank You Sir For Your Lovely Comment Bundle of Thanks. :)

 last year 

Ahmed supo salir de esa situación incómoda con mica astucia y simpatía, a veces debemos afrontar situaciones difíciles como lo ha hecho él, nuestras derrotas pueden dar pié a nuevas oportunidades en la vida.

Gracias por mostrarnos esta historia que guarda un aire carismático y encantador.


Thank You Sir For Your encouragement.

 last year 

Greetings friend @danishkalya

Interesting story that shows the creativity of a young man who finds himself lost in an adverse situation to try to succeed or simply to try, the first option will never be to give up.

Thanks for joining the contest.

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