SEC-S18W6: Once upon a time when I was a child!

in Steem Venezuela29 days ago

picture of me and my childhood friend sent to me via social media


nce upon a time in the life of a young boy. I was once known as;

Boy dear ~Daddy Boy ~Akpan mma ~
YepterJephthah ~Jeff ~
Now Bossj24

These were names I was fondly called in my childhood till I'm an adult. I seriously miss those days. It's been 16 years back where life was sweet as a child. The only thing we wanted as children was freedom but life was worth living and interesting then. We did things that'll forever remain a history, a scar or memory in our minds. The picture above shows small me enjoying the synergy of my childhood.

Growing up as a child

Growing up as a child in the hands of loving parents was the best thing that could ever happen to me. My dad and I were 5 and 6 those days. Anyways he comes to pick me from school, he'll take me to a nearby eatery to eat before going to the house to eat main meals. Asides eating, I'll play with friends who come around and enjoy my time.


When he's back from work, he'll always buy things for the present and for school the next day. Every childhood fun moment was about dad. The only thing I dislike which turns out to be the best thing that could ever happen to me is when given a quantitative assignment. My dad will ensure I know how to solve that assignment and the next exercise.

He usually sits with a cane in case I sleep or didn't respond correctly. I can remember when all my siblings slept leaving me with dad and a lot cane till 1Am. I hated those days and I usually frown anytime such assignment was given. Sometimes I'll lie saying I wasn't given any assignment.

Friendship was paramount in my daily life. I had this inseparable friend who share my likes and dislikes and play together. Our bond was noticed by many and we sometimes have differences which will always be a part of friendship. When I was a child, it was always easy to forgive compared to now and I usually become angry so easily.

If my friends and neighbours plays without calling me to join, I'll be angry with everyone and I'll end my friendship with them for a day. The following day, we'll reunite so easily. Virtually everyone has experienced this life.

Soft Life: Soft life where your parents become your servant, they bath you, feed you, hold your hands to school and buy you anything you demand to make you happy was what I enjoy as a child. Most times, I'll pretend to be sick so I'll eat anything I want to. Those days are gone now.

Play: Playing was a paramount activity i do on a daily basis. I bet there's no day I didn't play and I've played all the kinds of play in the world. Is it throwing cover, using rubber band and paper, making baby, using broomsticks as humans, playing on sad, football with orange, leg games, cooking etc?. There's nothing I wasn't exposed to then.

Childhood life then was sweet not now the world is evolving technologically where you have technological toys. My graduation 🎓 was one of the loudest moment in my childhood. This shows a picture of me at the rare with my classmates. It was the best moment I ever had in my life.


My childhood Travel moment

I can remember when I left my state at the age of 14 to another state to preach. I was very small and my going there was by God's doing. I got to know how life in the village is and also learnt from the lifestyle of a lot of people. My introverted nature then made me refrain from socialising much with others. This is a picture of small me in the ministry, witnessing to people the good news from God.


Funny and Sad Experiences

I've had lots of funny moments and bad ones during my childhood. I can remember when I was in primary school. Back then my head wasn't as balanced as now. At school closure, I was given my terminal result to take home. I was so much happy about the result. In my mind, I took 1st position not knowing it was 1st term written there.

With this excitement, I ran home jubilating for over a hour before my mom calmed me down. She asked me why I was jubilating and I told her I came first in class. She collected the result sheet to confirm. She then smiled with anger. She asked me how 10th position becomes 1st. I was shocked. This was when I was in Primary Two, probably the first time I've ever collected result on my own. It was just too funny and embarrassing.

My sad moments was when in an attempt to get the swing in my school first, I knocked my head on the swing's seat. Till now, that mark is still on my head. Everyone asks me what happened to my head that there's a scar. Anyways, that's the past. I've also had good association with people older than me as shown in the picture below.


My childhood and Now pictures

Who would believe this is a picture of me 5 and 6 years back? I was approaching adulthood and didn't like the fact that I would be shouldering responsibilities on my own. I seriously miss my childhood good old days. Now, such things aren't experienced again. The play is reduced, responsibilities increased and the likes.


Adulthood can sometimes be frustrating at times as you'll face life on your own and responsibilities shouldered. At times like this, you'll remember your childhood days where you're under your parents who feed you, take decisions for you, care for you and do a lot of things for you. Take your mind back to your childhood days and do a throwback on Thursday.

All pictures are from my phone

I invite @max-pro, @vivigibelis and @mvchavin.....


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 29 days ago 

That's right friend, the days of childhood are the best, many times we are in that stage and we want to grow up quickly to be free, but we don't realize that being children is a good stage that enjoy.

I imagine it is very emotional to remember those moments with your father when he went to pick you up from school, also the company of your friends and all the adventures you shared.

Being adults is different in its entirety, but the memories give us the satisfaction that we have had beautiful moments where it was only about enjoying and having a good time with our loved ones.

Success and blessings in the contest.

I really appreciate ma'am. Your comment still reminds me of further memories I'll always live to remember. Most times I miss my childhood as this adulthood life is very challenging. But when you think of the freedom obtained now compared to then, you realise how good adulthood is. Anyways, both stages in life have good memories.....

Hello dear @bossj23!

It brought back happy memories of childhood when your dad would pick you up and take you out to a meal. It is amazing how those little things may bring about lifelong joy. The pictures you share of your child hood is really awesome 👍. Have a happy family time 🥰

Saludos amigos.

Conservas muy buenos recuerdos de tu niñez, es bueno que aún tengas en tu memoria esos lindos días vividos y compartidos con tu familia con tu padre y tus hermanos.

La escuela se convierte en nuestra segunda casa cuando somos pequeños y allí suceden muchas cosas divertidas pero también algunos accidentes como el que te ocurrió en ese columpio.

Es cierto que en la niñez solo queremos disfrutar, jugar y descubrir todas las cosas nuevas.

Éxitos con tu entrada


You have shared your most beautiful memory and you have also told about your bad childhood how you spent it and how you spent the night also shared a picture with your father.I like it so much that you spend your time with your close friends and relatives and there are many things that have happened in you since childhood and till now and there is a lot of difference in your looks how good you spent your day and you played games etc and you mentioned all the games names and see i like it so much and i want to play more games in them Similar toI have played football a lot in my childhood and some other things I like quite a lot and I still miss because I mostly play football and I am a national cricket player I played for Pakistan. So I'm glad that I had a good childhood and I'm still playing.I hope that your next life will be just as good and that you will always be happy in your life and spend your time with your friends and your dear relatives and that you will also have very sweet memories.


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