SEC-S18-W5: Photographs and emotions | Pictures are meant for memories |

in Steem Venezuela22 days ago (edited)

In every picture that we capture, they are always and emotions to convey and wonderful stories to tell about it.
The images that I am going to share below have wonderful memories with me, and I am very happy to share it with you guys.

First Image


This picture was captured by my friend on the occasion of cultural day celebration that was held in our church which everyone was told to dress in their different native attires, and as a proud igbo boy that I am I had to to represent my culture very well by dressing in my native attire and it was a very memorable and joyful event as I really had fun.

We did a presentation according to our culture and also performed many social activities like dancing, singing, and also eating local dishes specially made by different cultures.

The two girls that appeared in the picture above are from benue state of Nigeria which is the tiv tribe, their culture seems very amazing and I enjoy every bit of it especially when they are dancing I feel blessed watching them bending their back and rolling down.
Different prizes were won, and everyone was happy to showcase their culture so as to promote it to the entire world. It was a joyful event, and we had wonderful refreshments after the event.
After everything, I decided to take pictures with the ladies so as to commemorate the day and also remember about all the wonderful memories that I had on that day.

Second Image


Christ triumphant entry into Jerusalem is no news to us and we as Christians always celebrate this special day on palm Sunday where we will will be singing and chanting hosanna in the highest in order to glorify the name of out lord Jesus christ.
As Catholics that we are, we organise morning Mass to celebrate palm Sunday and in the Catholic Church it is a special and unique day and we will have some rituals to do like blessings of the palms 🌴 and also walking round the area singing hosanna in the highest.

This was the beginning of the holy week, and we all celebrated and prayed to God to give us the grace to celebrate Easter and also for him to forgive us our sins.
Whenever i look at this picture, my heart melts because I remember the way I dance on that day singing praises to God.

Third Image

My humble self with @anthony001 and @john247

Christmas is a day that we celebrate about hearts out and also a day of freedom for us. On this day, we will have the opportunity to eat different dishes and drink with plenty of meat.
This picture always reminds me of last years Christmas celebration where I really had fun with my friends, we went to a recreational centre together and have fun so I decided to capture this moment with them for memories and just like a blink of an eye it been almost six mother since we last took this picture.

I was also very happy taking this picture because I just acquired my mobile phone, which made my blogging experience to be very easy, holding a new phone to celebrate Christmas was a thing of joy for me.
After we had fun together we came back home and I lectured them about the steemit platform and we all went home to keep enjoying ourselves.

I am using this opportunity to invite @josepha, @pandora2010, @simonnwigwe, @marito74 and @wilmer1988 to join me and participate in this wonderful challenge

It's really good and wonderful to keep a picture of your past especially the wonderful moment you shared with friends, family and loved ones, pictures and memories walk hand in hand, that's to say with this amazing pictures you have shared above the memories in it can't be erased easily and it will also help to cheer you up in future to come and makes you recall your pasts easily, nice write up bro wish you success in this contest

 16 days ago 

What a wonderful collection of memories! Your pictures are truly worth a thousand words, capturing the joy, culture, and spirit of celebration. From the vibrant cultural day celebration to the meaningful Palm Sunday observance and the festive Christmas gathering, each image tells a story of connection, community, and happiness. Your enthusiasm and gratitude shine through in your descriptions, and it's lovely to see you cherishing these moments with friends and fellow celebrants. Keep treasuring these memories and sharing them with us!

Wishing you all the best in this contest 😊

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