SEC-S18-W4: My selfies and me | Every picture tells a story |

Pictures are memories, and indeed, every picture tells a story, and I am very happy to participate in this wonderful challenge because I am a lover of pictures.
Most of the pictures in my gallery are all selfies, so let me share my best selfies with you all. Let's get started...

Image 1


This is by far the best selfie that I have captured because the people who appeared there are all my friends and church members, after a Sunday morning we decided to take a group picture immediately after mass to celebrate the remember the Sunday with a cool photo.
These selfies always give me immense joy whenever I look at it. Because I feel greatfull to God for everything he has done in my life.

It is good to always be greatfull to God because the fact that we are alive is enough reason for us to be happy. My guy Leo was the mastermind behind this wonderful selfie.

Image 2


Man in the mirror, This is the name that i gave to this wonderful selfie each time I look at it I imagine my life and what I will become in the future, we know that sometimes things that are in the mirror doesn't look like what they appear, so one early morning I just decided to take this picture to always remember my life and also to know that life is full of ups and downs.

Image 3


Being a livestock trader is a thing of joy for me because I benefit a lot from them, this goat of mine generate money for me and my family to take care of my personal needs.
We bought this goat at a very affordable price and it has gave birth to children's that we have sold to make money, we also sometimes kill them for consumption because God created different domestic animals to provide us with meat.

Image 4


This is my humble self at my dad's shop attending to customers, as a soldier he is given a responsibility to take care of the military shop in our barracks and he is the only one there and he sometimes go to the market to purchase items that are needed for the shop, so whenever he is going out for this purpose I will be the one responsible for attending to customers in the shop and it is always fun for me because I enjoy every bit of it.
The economic situation of our county is becoming alarming, and the price of goods and services keep increasing, but no matter the cost, the customers will still purchase it.
So after a hectic day at work and interacting with customers, I decided to capture this selfie of humble self.

Image 5


This selfie reminds me that we all are dust and unto dust we all shall return, i capture this selfie during this year's Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of the lengthy season in the Catholic Church.
Ans whenever I look at it I remember that this life is vanity upon vanity, we come to this world with nothing, struggle to gain everything and at the end we go back with nothing si we should learn to take life easy beca anything we acquire in this world when we die we will leave it behind.

Image 6


An ice cold pictures of me and my brothers during a cool evening. After attending mass at the church, we decided to capture this wonderful selfie of ourselves.
Each time I look at it I remember the importance of family in our live, I am the eldest and I try to correct them whenever they are wrong and also teach them to do the will of God.

Image 7


After celebrating pentecost Sunday in our church we all dressed in our native attires because this was the day the Holy Spirit descended into the apostle, and they began to speak in different languages.
Because of this we were told by our priest to dress in our cultural attires and you can see the smile in our faces because we will look unique that day.
This was the first time that we dressed in our cultural attires on this day, so I decided to take a selfie with a fellow steemian in person of @onomzy001 to always remember this wonderful day.

Image 8


My mother means the whole world to me infact I call her my everything, and she is definitely the best mother in the whole wide world. My mum is very loving, understanding, and caring, and she has played a huge role in my life because without her honest speaking, I don't know where I would have been today.

See how beautiful 😍 my mum looks. My dad is very lucky to have such a virtuous woman as his wife because her type is very hard to find

Each time I look that this wonderful selfie of me and my mum, tears rush down my ear because my mum have sacrifice a lot for me and I owe her everything in this world, my prayers today us for God to give her long life so that she will enjoy the fruits of her labour because one day i will become successful curtesy of my mum and God's grace and i will give her the best possible life she could every imagine.

Image 9


This selfie gives me unending joy whenever I look ag it, the children that appear in the selfie are all my cousins and it has been long since we last saw each other so seeing me after a long period of time at first they didn't even recognise th anymore because they've all grown into big girls and boy, when they saw me they ran and hugged me and I was very happy.

After spending time with them, I took them to a recreational centre where they would have a good time to enjoy and laugh.
We went to a pleasure park that is not far from our location and we had lots of fun, and they were very happy and pleased with me, we ate delicious meal and also played some games to make it more memorable.

Image 10


This is a selfie of me and my younger sister having fun, she like playing video games with my mums phone so I collected the phone from her and she was angry so I decided to tickle her small and she started laughing.
She's the last child of our family, and we vibe together, though she is stubborn but fun to be with.

Image 11


It is a joy for us to see the beginning of the year and also more joy for me and my classmates to see each other after a long time away, since we finished secondary school we all went our separate ways looking for a better life.
This year's festive season was very memorable and joyful because I really had fun spending quality time with my classmates.

Share your opinion about selfies and your feelings when taking them.


Selfies are pictures that we capture using our front cameras and I must sat it looks very unique when we capture pictures using our front camera especially when we are in a party or club enjoying our selves,selfies are definitely the best when capturing beautiful moments around us.
They are many photos editing application out there, so to prove to people that you actually went to a particular place or saw a celebrity, selfies are definitely the best.

Whenever I am taking a selfies I get immense joy and excitement especially when I am with different people in a gathering, I feel blessed for the gift of life and also for the blessings of Allah in my life.

I am using this opportunity to invite @pandora2010, @simonnwigwe, @josepha and @marito74 to join me and participate in this wonderful challenge


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Curated by : @edgargonzalez

Thanks for the support @edgargonzalez i really appreciate ❤️ 🙏

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 last month 

Yes friend, picture are really memories, your entry really inspires me to read everytime and also I always learn something from it everytime...

Good luck to you in this contest

Thanks for this wonderful comment on my blog 😀 i do appreciate 😊

 last month 

That's right friend, selfies allow us to capture images that help us create memories where the main protagonists are us, the best thing is that in these photos they are almost always of things and in company that we like.

All your photos are great, it looks like you really enjoyed taking your selfies.

Success and blessings!

Thank you very much for this wonderful comment on my blog 😀 😊 I really appreciate ❤️

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