No More Malaria Case in China

in Indonesia3 years ago

It’s really a good news for Chinese residents as there is no more malaria case in the country. It’s really a great achievement by Chinese government and health department. So that, China now is getting certified malaria-free by WHO. As a doctor, I am really happy to know that more countries are now malaria-free, following Australia, Singapore and Brunai Darussalam. The three countries have also had malaria-free certification from WHO more than 30 years ago.


You know, Malaria is still one of the biggest health problem in the world which is nearly 290 people infected by malaria parasite. Even in my country, Indonesia, Malaria is a big problem of tropical disease. A few days ago, I diagnosed a falciparum malaria case in my district. Malaria could be a fatal disease with many complications.

Malaria can be fatal, particularly when caused by the plasmodium species common in Africa. The World Health Organization estimates that about 94% of all malaria deaths occur in Africa — most commonly in children under the age of 5.Source

I hope other governments may learn from China how to reduce malaria cases to zero. According to WHO, China is successful to make zero malaria case by providing a free health service package for its residents, effective collaboration between ministries and stepping up its malaria surveillance in at-risk zones. Getting that achievement, I would love to congratulate Chinese Government. It’s not easy task, it’s 70-year effort!


Bebas malaria saja sampai 70 thn, bagaimana dengan Bebas Covid dok?

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