Sum days you got it, sum days you don't.

in Actifit3 years ago

Ever have a day where everything that could go wrong did? Well that was yesterday for me. I woke up to a buzzing sound which turned out to be my solar buzzing, then bam, the breaker shut off. I went out to the solar shed and my power had run to far down.

Darn, I was gonna seal my jam jars in the pressure cooker.

Fortunately, I have a backup generator, so I unplug the main power cord from the inverter to the generator cord. Doing this would not only power the house, it would also recharge my batteries.

So, I get my jars in the pressure cooker and decided to make some more ginger bread while the cooker was going.

I grab my favorite cookbook with the gingerbread recipe.

When I began gathering all the other Ingredients, I remembered I was out of organic white sugar and brown sugar. Okay gotta go to the store again and pay their outrageous prices.

By the time I got back home, I was so frustrated, I said to heck with baking today.

At least my jams were sealed. Now I just needed to laminate and cut out my labels and put em on the jars.

I had two other jams I planned to make, so I just did all the labels.

Here's what I ended up with. These are going to the market.

And these will be broken down to smaller jars and labeled as needed

I had planned to make more jams today but it was cloudy and rainy all day. Instead I decided to do more baking.

I knew my propane tank was getting low, so I hooked up a full one. There's nothing worse than putting bread in the oven, setting your timer and the propane goes out without you realizing it. Your bread is soggy and you don't know how much more time it needs to cook.

I then go to re-light the pilot on the stove and nothing. So I go check to make sure I turned the valve on. Yep it's on. Maybe I didn't get it hooked in good. So I unhook the tank and rehook it. The oven still won't light. Maybe there's something wrong with the tank?

Okay, let's hook the old one back up and see if it lights then.

Then I realized I was trying to light it in the wrong place. The pilot was about 6 inches above where I was trying to light.. duh.

I finally managed to get the oven going again and made both ginger bread and banana bread with pecans and chocolate chips. Fortunately they both turned out beautiful 😸

Now I can relax a bit before I have to go secure my chickens in the pen for the night. That is if they show up. I went down to feed them earlier and they were no where to be found. They are either in the forest eating bugs and grass or at my neighbor's eating her chickens food.

Mahalo for reading tired and frustrated ramble. I'll be fine as soon as the sunsets and I can truly relax.

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Daily Activity, House Chores, Photowalking, Walking, Yard Work


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