Ducks and Geese! My Actifit Report Card: July 26 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

I couldn’t have asked for a nicer evening to take my walk. The temperature was comfortable and the sunset and clouds were gorgeous. I also came across a lot of wildlife out and about as well. On the lake was a family of ducks. Later on I came across some geese on the beach. I logged about 7500 steps, which was a little below my 10,000 target but it was getting a bit too dark at the end of my walk and I had to head home.

I also tried out the new Pokémon Go feature with the daily 15 minute incense. It made my walk a bit more distracting as Pokémon were popping up all over the place. This has led to the dilemma of my Pokémon storage overflowing. I regularly transfer anything that’s a 0 or 1 star but I may have to get rid of all the 2 star monsters I have now too.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Chasing Pokemons,Walking


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