My Actifit Report Card: May 1 2021 ~ Walking, Visiting Patients

in Actifit3 years ago

Today is pretty clear here in Gayo Highlands of Aceh Province. Though it’s a weekend day, I went to the hospital to visit my patients. Fortunately none confirmed Covid-19 patients this week. There are 20 patients that I have to visited today. Of them, I discharge 5 patients.

When I walked back to parking area, I met a cat over there. He was walking, but when looking at me, he was stopping for a while, then I captured him.

Then, I drove home. While driving I saw a horse, I stopped my car and I captured the horse.

Today I need to go to Bireuen Town. I have to drive there for about two hours.

Upon arriving at Bireuen Town, I walked to traditional market to buy some traditional cuisines for iftar menu.

One of traditional menu that I like most is “sambai”. Here is the look of “sambai”.

At the late afternoon, I went to Ujong Blang Village. I captured the birds in the rice field at dusk.

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Walking,Daily Activity

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