Autumn Is Coming: September 27 2020

in Actifit4 years ago

While I enjoy my work week on Hive, in addition to other business endeavors on the side, my weekends are now my reward to unplug & decompress from life stress…

I cherish the down time with Timmy so we had a leisurely morning with coffee, stretches & a nap (yes, in that order lol)....

After we got up & started moving around a bit, it was a perfect time to take a short walk outside. The air was finally free of the smoke from the CA wildfires that has been permeating it lately. While it can be bad for us here in NV, I can’t even imagine how traumatic it has been for so many in that area.. My hearts go out to them & pray that relief will be found soon somehow & some way….

Fall is coming and I was able to get a few pretty shots, but the next few days will be the real nice photos as the leaves change color… it’s one of my favorite things about this season…

After that, I had some groceries delivered & even bought myself some flowers….thinking about buying a new plant in the near future, too….hmm, what do you think @ph1102?

Other than that, we just had a relaxing day, watching HULU and some favorite shows along with some yummy food…

Tomorrow will be the day to go back to the work priorities but it is nice to be able to slow down & have gratitude for what we have…

Hope you like the photos. Have an awesome day, everyone & don’t forget to do your @actifit….

Thanks for reading & hope you are doing well! ;)

Until the next time,

With Pixie Dust….

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Daily Activity, Photowalking, Walking


It's great that you take a day for yourself! So many times, people are so caught up in the busyness of life that they foreget to stop and smell the roses.

Nice photos and you did well with your 5116 @actifit steps for the day. Take care and have a wonderful day tomorrow!

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