Latin Dance class in the parc + ActifitsteemCreated with Sketch.

in Actifit2 years ago


Do you have teachers?
I am searching for people to teach me all the time and I am also open to teach bit rather do I find someone to teach me nor somebody who wants to learn. But all the people pretend they would want to learn.

The worst thing for a human is accepting to be wrong. We always want to be right so we surround ourselves with people who have the same opinion.

That’s one major reason why I spent the last years mostly alone. Other people avoid me because I am not a sheeple who follows any stupid rule and living blind as a supporter of the devil.

On the picture you can see lots of fat women and one skinny bleached pharma supporter following two other obese woman who obviously have a moving disability.

They are so fat that they can not at all stand straight or even sit.

The obesity in spain is scaring me a lot. In Barcelona you have many young people who at least pretend to do sports or pretend to eat healthy and seem to have a normal weight.

The smaller the town or village the more super obese people you meet. You barely meet a person who is not obese or slim fat. Also you see more and more obviously mentally disabled people.

Incest incest incest.
Please stop it

It destroys mankind

You/these incest victims are so stupid that they always think they are right. They think the white „race“ would be better, stronger, more intelligent. But they are just more evil.

Sure you will win when you cheat and suppress those who are better.

Please please please
If you do not work on the solution (we joth know you don’t) then you are part of the problem.

I haven’t used actifit for about half a year. Before i stopped i just reaghed the top 500 or something. I am still there.
Move more please

Eat healthy every day
Do sports every day

Please don’t hate me just because you refuse relationship. Support me to make the world a better place instead of supporting the sugar, pharma, adrenochrome industry as you did before all day every day
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