My Actifit Report Card: February 17 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

Another day another crypto.

Now that the weather is warming up I can finally start gardening and taking proper walls again. This year we are seeing more rain so the wild greenery is coming in nicely. Last year it was mostly dry and dead where I take my walks. There weren't any brush fires so that was good. I'm not sure if the area I take my walks was dry enough to be a worry, but safety first.

My garden isn't much yet. Just empty beds getting prepped for sowing. My mulch came in very well this past year so I expect some decent harvest. Last year I didnt plant much due to the drought. This year it shouldn't be a worry. I hope.

Working in the yard made up most of my steps then I took a short walk to fill up my meter a bit. The winter got me a bit lazy.

How has everyone else's 2022 Acfiting going so far? What are your goals for this year?
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Gardening, Home Improvement, House Chores, Walking


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Rank Bag - L1
+ 10 % User Rank
Sports Hat - L4
+ 16 % AFIT
Water Bottle - L1
+ 5 AFIT
Water Bottle - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Running Shoes - L3
+ 20 AFIT
Running Shoes - L4
+ 25 AFIT
Water Bottle - L4
+ 35 AFIT
Water Bottle - L2
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L1
+ 10 AFIT
Running Shoes - L2
+ 15 AFIT
Boosts increased your AFIT earnings by 144.8544 AFIT
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