A First : 3 Hyacinth Orchid Types : My Actifit Report Card: December 11 2021

in Actifit3 years ago

The day woke up grey - grey all day was the forecast but no rain expected. I was thinking about a ride. Decided to combine a catch up of yesterday's rain affected walk and a visit to the nursery to buy some stuff for vege garden.

Kookaburra does like my gardening work - frees the worms for breakfast

Bromeliad flowering - a freebie planted out last year. First time to flower. Just stunning.

Drove to and parked up at Garrigal NP to walk Cascades Trail

Large tongue orchid in a new spot

Flower starts to flatten out after pollinating

I spied a bonnet orchid spike just below the track. That got me looking below and saw this mushroom - red suede

View from the underside

Down below were a few more bonnet orchids buds. Never seen this before - swarming ants

and then this bud

Variegated hyacinth orchid - and as I swiveled around there was a flower

Dipodium variegatum - first time seen on this track

The sight of a bonnet orchid bud got me all that - bonus time

Found this hyacinth orchid right next to the track in a known spot - ID is a test. Petals are not recurved and the calli on labellum are on bottom third - blotched hyacinth orchid

Dipodium punctatum - first for the year and first for this track

This looks like a montage but it is what I saw - punctatum on the edge of the track and a flash of pink below

I did find a way to get below - two things to note. Petals are recurved. Calli on labellum go past one thirds

Rose hyacinth orchid - first time on this track - dipodium roseum

Kept going down the track below where I last walked - bonnet orchids in a new spot

Cryptostylis erecta and in the same spot another cryptostylis

Cryptostylis subulata in a new location

Always nice to find a 2nd plant - variegated hyacinth orchid

Dipodium variegatum right on track edge

This is a known location for a bonnet orchid though first time seeing one open - spider has made a home.

That was a win walk - 5 orchids open and 3 hyacinth orchids. This is the first time I have seen all three in one place on one day.

Dropped into local nursery to buy some veges and some compost.

Step one at home was to make up a vege bed with new compost and make up a bug screen contraption. Also raked up a lot of bark in the back lawn

Dinner: Pizza - not done that for a while
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on actifit.io

Daily Activity, Gardening, House Chores, Photowalking, Shopping


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