My Actifit Report Card: July 29 2022

in Actifit2 years ago

6000 steps already trodden with plenty of the day left to go and I’m definitely expecting 10,000 by the time my head hits the pillow.

Today was another day spent at the beach but this time we headed to a private beach, curtesy of my partners aunty who lives right by where we’re staying 😎

It turned out to be an eventful trip to the beach as we got to watch a very grumpy old man protest against a group of youngsters who set up a beach volley ball court right next to where him and his wife were sunbathing. And after some traditional arm waving and a lot of loud Italian shouting that I couldn’t understand, the old man picked up his beach towel and laid it down again in the middle of their makeshift volleyball court 😂😂 Fortunately my girlfriend who is Italian went over and calmed things down. The man then got up and went back to his original spot but not without some more arm waving and colourful language.

The other highlight of my trip to the beach was bringing along my drone for another flight along the coast. It’s awesome scenery in every direction so even a bumbling idiot like me can get some half decent shots.

Besides the drones and the moans there was some awesome waves to play in and a friendly lizard who popped up to sunbathe on a rock next to where I was hiding in the shade.

All in all it’s been another great day in Tropea and we still have just over a week left before we head home.

Hope your day is going well too and I’ll see you all again next time! I’ll leave you all with some photos of the day 😎

This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on



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