Commemorating the 78th anniversary of Bhayangkara Day, Bireuen Police Holds Religious Social Service.

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The ranks of the Bireuen Resort Police (Polres), Friday (14/6/2024) carried out social and religious services in the context of the 78th Bhayangkara Day 2024 at the Nurul Huda Mosque, South July Village, Beunyot Village, Juli District, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province.

The mutual cooperation activity was led directly by the Head of Bireuen Police, AKBP Jatmiko, SH MH, followed by the Deputy Head of Bireuen Police, Commissioner Dwi Arys Purwoko SIP SIK MH, the main officials, joint personnel and the July Police.

The social service was also attended by the Keuchik of Bunyot Village, religious leaders, traditional leaders and the surrounding community.

Bireuen Police Chief AKBP Jatmiko, said that the religious social service was carried out on the occasion of the 78th Bhayangkara Day, with the target being the Nurul Huda Mosque, South July Village, Beunyot Village.

This activity was held simultaneously in 17 sub-districts by Sector Police, Subsector Police and Pospol.

In this activity, the Bireuen Police cleaned the mosque yard, wuzhuk place and mosque floor, and also handed over paint and cleaning tools. The Bireuen Police Chief also painted the toilet and ablution area.

"We hope that this activity will have a positive impact, of course this is a form of our presence in the community, in order to maintain law and order, law enforcement and provide protection, guidance and service to the community," said AKBP Jatmiko.

After the social service, the Bireuen Police Chief prayed Friday prayers with the local community at the mosque. After Friday prayers were finished, the Bireuen Police Chief together with the Deputy Head of Police, main officials and personnel distributed rice boxes to the congregation in the courtyard of the local mosque.

"Thank God, today we are carrying out Friday Blessing activities in the framework of the 78th Bhayangkara Day, sharing with others, we are distributing boxes of rice to the Friday prayer congregation, hopefully this will provide blessings for all of us," said AKBP Jatmiko.

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