The 2024 Serambi Award in Aceh took place lively, also attended by the Acting Governor of Aceh.

in WhereIN2 months ago

The 2024 Serambi Award in Aceh took place lively, also attended by the Acting Governor of Aceh.

The 2024 Serambi Award Anugerah Night, which was held on Friday (31/5/2024) evening at AAC Dayan Dawood, Darussalam, Banda Aceh, was lively. With the theme 'Synergy to Build the Nation', this year's Serambi Award was given to 63 regional governments, financial institutions, educational institutions and private companies.

The lighting arrangement and stage action were able to amaze the invited guests and make them feel at home until the event ended at 00:00 WIB.

The recipients have so far been assessed as having provided performance and contributed to progress in each field. Even though the recipients come from many backgrounds, it is believed that the synergy of contributions can bring goodness to Aceh.

The 4th Serambi Awards event is a form of appreciation and appreciation given by Serambi Indonesia Daily to policy makers who are considered to have done many things and have given birth to various breakthroughs and innovations, thus having an impact on development and progress in Aceh Province.

The performances of Cut Zuhra, Lea Amalia, Salsabil as well as Bang Joni and Apa Gense were able to make the Serambi Award stage even more lively. The Serambi Award Award Night was also attended by Acting Governor of Aceh Bustami Hamzah, Pangdam Iskandar Muda Major General TNI Niko Fahrizal, Aceh Regional Police Chief Inspector General Achmad Kartiko, other Forkopimda elements, as well as recipients from districts/cities.

The General Leader of Serambi Indonesia, H Sjamsul Kahar, explained that the awarding of the Serambi Awards was a form of respect and was given to the party most deserving.

It is also hoped that this will be a trigger, an encouragement, so that it will give birth to bigger and more works in the future, with ideas and thoughts to advance the country and build a better Aceh in the future.

Meanwhile, Editor in Chief of Serambi Indonesia, Zainal Arifin M Nur, in his speech said, Aceh has two big national agendas that will be implemented in the next few months, namely the Regional Head Election (Pilkada) and the National Sports Week (PON).

"Therefore, we agreed to use the phrase 'Synergy to Build the Nation' as the main theme for this year's Serambi Award activities. "We deliberately chose this theme as our support for the Aceh Government and Regency/City Governments in making these two agendas a success, especially PON which will be at stake for Aceh's dignity at the national level," said Zainal.

By giving this award, explained Zainal, Serambi wants to foster enthusiasm and tradition among the community to appreciate, no matter how small, the advantages possessed by a person or institution, so that Aceh is filled with positive energy. Zainal Arifin also asked for prayers and support from all parties, so that Serambi Indonesia can continue to produce useful work.

Meanwhile, the CEO of Tribun Network, Dahlan Dahi, in his short speech conveyed the importance of the presence of the Serambi newspaper and the Tribun newspaper in the regions, because they are a stage for local diversity. On this basis, Tribun then carried out the mission 'Local Eyes Reaching Indonesia'.

“This is not an announcement for the richest person, but this is an announcement for those who contribute to society and the environment. "So this is about glory, whoever gets this award indicates the importance of contribution to humans and the environment," said Dahlan Dahi.

A total of 63 Serambi Award recipients were considered to have done many positive things, starting from alleviating poverty, focusing on improving health, producing superior human resources, urban planning, caring for the environment, pioneering education, empowering MSMEs, endowments, to sports development.

Meanwhile, the 2024 Serambi Award awarding evening received appreciation from various parties. The Acting Governor of Aceh, Bustami Hamzah, assessed that Serambi is now more mature in taking his position.

In fact, he admitted that Serambi raised the theme "Synergy to Build the Nation" which was interesting. Because it means a harmonious partnership to produce useful work.

The Commander of the Iskandar Muda Regional Military Command, Major General TNI Niko Fahrial, also expressed his appreciation and praise for the 2024 Serambi Award activities.

The elements of Forkopimda Aceh were seen using the warmth of the Malam Serambi Award to build harmony and harmony.

Bustami Hamzah said, day by day his maturity and maturity is increasingly visible in taking a position to build partnerships with all elements, including government institutions, political parties, the business world, and other social organization institutions.

Serambi's expertise in building partnerships is what has made his presence highly anticipated every morning by the community.

"Without reading Serambi, information about Aceh will be empty, dark, as if there is a need that has not been met," said Bustami Hamzah.

It is very interesting to observe the theme raised by Serambi Indonesia: “Sinergi Building the Country”. He said, synergy means building and ensuring productive internal collaborative relationships and harmonious partnerships with stakeholders to produce useful and quality work.

Building and maintaining relationships is not easy because humans are unique and have diverse characters.

"For this reason, I invite all of us, as stakeholders in Aceh, to continue to build this synergy at all levels and across sectors, both between the provincial and district/city governments, as well as between both and the central government," Acting Governor of Aceh.

The Acting Governor reminded that Serambi's presence among the people of Aceh is also very much needed, especially to control the wheels of government so that it runs better.

Media control and criticism is really needed, as long as it is delivered objectively, measurably and responsibly.

"I want to convey again to all of us that on 8-20 September 2024, the XXI National Sports Week (PON) will be held in Aceh and North Sumatra.

To make this PON a success, of course we need all of our attention, because this activity is a national event, which for us, the people of Aceh, can only be repeated in hundreds of years.

"The success of this PON is also a blessing for the people of Aceh," he said.

"For this reason, the role of all of us is very much needed, especially Serambi Indonesia in conveying various information to the public regarding this PON activity.

"Without the information provided by the media, of course the public does not know what activities the government has carried out to make PON XXI a success," he concluded.

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