Pengajian di bulan Ramadhan -----------_-------_------------ Recitation in the month of Ramadan

in WhereIN3 years ago

halo sobat wherein, dimanapun anda berada semoga baik baik saja, pada kesempatan saya ingin menceritakan sedikit tentang pengajian di bulan Ramadhan,

di tempat saya hampir setiap malam dia adakan pengajian di meunasah, pengajian tersebut di adakan untuk menjadikan diri kita lebih dekat dengan Allah

pengajian biasanya di lakukan setelah selesai shalat tarawih, setelah pengajin kami juga rutin melaksankan tadarus alquran.

sekian dari saya, "salam sukses sobat

hello friend wherein, wherever you are, hopefully you will be fine, on this occasion I would like to share about recitation in the month of Ramadan,

in my place almost every night he holds recitation at the meunasah, the recitation is held to make ourselves closer to Allah

recitation is usually done after the tarawih prayer, after our craftsmen also routinely carry out Qur'anic tadarus.

that's all from me, "greetings success wherein buddy"

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