Nuestras 3 Estrellas..

in WhereIN4 years ago (edited)

En esta noche quisiera hablar de Orion. No la constelacion, sino el orion que siempre me hara recordarte. Ese destello del cinturon de orion que tanto te gusta.

Ese cinturon que en momentos te hizo recordarte de mi. Ese cinturon compuesto por 3 estrellas principales que representaban las 3 personas mas importantes de tu vida. Tu hija, tu y yo. Ese Cinturon que me hizo recordarte y extrañarte tanto.

A donde quiera que tu vayas esas 3 estrellas por siempre te acompañaran aunque quizas ya una no sea mi representacion.

A esa misma constelacion pedire que todas tus noches te ilumine y te acompañe porque se que cuando las veas en algun momento te recordaras de mi. Estaremos distantes pero no ausentes yo hice un pacto con tu mente. A esas mismas le Rogare que nunca me olvides.

Pero en mi mente y en mi corazon la belleza de lo simple siempre estara tatuada en mi. Y a donde quiera que yo vaya esas 3 estrellas siempre tambien me acompañaran y siempre para mi sera la misma representacion hasta el fin de mis dias y hasta toda la eternidad.

Quizas cuando ninguno estemos ya en este mundo ten por seguro que ellas seguiran emitiendo ese destello que por siempre iluminara eternamente. Y seguiremos juntos desde el firmamento del cielo.

Autor @rafaelcmontero
Foto cortesia:

Tonight I would like to talk about Orion. Not the constellation, but the orion that will always make me remember you. That flash of the orion belt that you like so much. That belt that at times made you remember me. That belt made up of 3 main stars that represented the 3 most important people in your life. Your daughter, you and me. That Belt that made me remember you and miss you so much. Wherever you go, those 3 stars will always accompany you, although perhaps one is not my representation. To that same constellation I will ask that all your nights illuminate you and accompany you because I know that when you see them at some point you will remember me. We will be distant but not absent I made a pact with your mind. I will pray to those same that you never forget me. But in my mind and in my heart the beauty of simplicity will always be tattooed on me. And wherever I go, those 3 stars will also always accompany me and will always be the same representation for me until the end of my days and until all eternity. Perhaps when none of us are already in this world, be sure that they will continue to emit that flash that will forever illuminate forever. And we will continue together from the firmament of heaven. * Author * @rafaelcmontero Courtesy photo:

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