
in WhereIN2 years ago

"Three Farewells"
This is an old story about a tragedy of love and hatred.
In a distant country, there were two young men, one named Li Bai and the other named Du Fu. They are both poets, but with very different personalities. Li Bai is open-minded and unrestrained, while Du Fu is restrained and rigorous.
One day, Li Bai met a beautiful woman named Yang Yuhuan at a grand banquet. They fell in love, but Yang Yuhuan's father didn't like Li Bai, thinking he was a prodigal son. So he married Yang Yuhuan to Du Fu.
Li Bai was very sad, but he did not give up. He continued to write poetry, expressing his emotions in words. But Du Fu was disheartened because of the misfortune of marriage, and began to indulge in wine and sex.
Many years later, Yang Yuhuan passed away. Du Fu was distraught, but Li Bai suddenly appeared. He showed his poetic achievements in front of Du Fu, and made a wish to Du Fu: I hope Du Fu can write a poem for him.
Du Fu initially declined the request because he still harbored a grudge against Li Bai. However, he finally wrote the famous "Three Farewells". This poem expresses his respect and emotion for Li Bai, as well as his own grief and longing.
In this story, love and hatred are intertwined, but finally resolved into profound friendship and mutual respect. It shows us a true and touching story, teaches us to cherish true friendship, and to understand and tolerate others.

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