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Wise words are sentences that have power, intelligence and judgment for a truth. Usually wise words contain advice and constructive suggestions or can also be advice to motivate and make decisions firmly.

The use of wise words is not directed directly at individuals, but at situations. The definition of wise words is polite, good, and orderly. So, the listener or reader will not be offended, but instead feel much more comfortable.





Wise words have a deep meaning. it resembles a message or advice to stir people's hearts. These words can also provide enthusiasm, spirit or energy boost because the arrangement of the words is clear and easy to absorb directly.

    The following are some short and concise wise words taken from several famous figures that we have filtered from various sources, starting from digital books (ebooks) or similar sources from the internet.

Don't stop when you feel tired. Stop when you're done.
Life becomes easy. If you've ever felt difficult.
Do what you like and make it a business (Bill Gates)
No work has ever been created by a lazy artist.
"If someone says "Life is so hard". Ask him “difficult” compared to what?”
If you can dream it, then you can conquer it.
If you don’t want to take extraordinary risks, you have to be content with being ordinary.
Becoming extraordinary takes time, it takes pain, it takes tears, it takes insults, it takes proven flying hours
Life is like riding a bicycle, to stay balanced. You have to keep moving.
Try not to be a successful person, but rather try to be a valuable person. (Albert Einstein)
Something behind and in front of us is still nothing compared to what is inside us (Oliver Wendell Holmes).
Geniuses see what others see and think what others don’t think (Albert Saunt Gyorgi)
If I never dare to get lost. You will never find a new path (Christopher Colombus)
Patience has limits and the limit is death – Ustadz Syafiq Riza Basalamah.
You cannot escape tomorrow’s responsibility by avoiding it today. (Abraham Lincoln_)
Remembering is okay, but don't live in it.
A job that can't be finished is a job that has never been started (JRR Tolkien)
When one door closes, another opens, but sometimes we look and regret the closed door so long that we don't see the one that has opened (Alexander Graham Bell)
No need to explain who you are, because your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it.
Good fortune favors the brave (Publius Terence)
A strong person is not someone who never cries but someone who remains steadfast when facing various trials of life.
A lion is feared because of his silence, a dog is hated because of his barking.
In any situation, don't let your emotions defeat your intelligence.
When you feel lonely and alone, then at that time you are learning about resilience (Dahlan Iskan)
Real life is when we dream in consciousness.
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. ~ Steve Jobs
Don't be jealous of other people's success, because you don't know what they have sacrificed to achieve their success.
People will not reach dawn without going through the night journey (Kahlil Gibran)
Your mind is like a fire that needs to be lit, not a vessel waiting to be filled (Dorothea Brande)
Perseverance can make the impossible possible, make the possible a big possibility. And make the big possibility a Certainty (Robert Half)
Achievement cannot be achieved instantly, one second of appearance is the result of years of practice. One year of achievement is the result of seconds of struggle.

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