Park is still closed

in WhereIN4 years ago

Recently, we have received some good news from the government officials that the movement control order has been further uplift. Most of us are freely going out to do whatever stupid things we can. After this mid of July, religious worship places will be reopen to accommodate more than 250 people. Whether it's good or not? We have no idea yet, but public are advised to keep it cool.


The above picture were taken at the central park WaterFront. This place was originally a bank, now taken over by McDonald's. Temperature is quite wam outside whilst I was walking over. On the left are bicycle rack usually will be filled with bicycles, but it hasn't been that much every since the lockdown.


This place is a little unique as this is between two high class condos, and between the two building is a opening leading back to the central park, and for some reason they decided to elevate this in between space and make it like a small valley. Usually people like to sit here at the grass chit-chatting, enjoy themselves. But still, if you look at the far behind, the lap pose has been tied up with striped tape and set a parameter to block pedestrian from entering.


Still at the Central park, from this place we can reach the children's play ground. Once again, all of the possible entrance has been blocked and no one is allow to go in. I know, can cross over easily, but if got caught, will get a fine of RM1000 and possibly spend 1 night holiday at the police station in the lock up cell.


No matter what, still gotta eat. The only thing that never change is, Subway! We will just have to adapt to the new norm, and sitting here alone enjoying my wrap and coffee give me moment of peace and able to think what should I do. You wanna guess what? I know what I'm gonna do. I'm preparing a piece for #musicforsteem. I'll upload a song later.


It's been awhile I haven't done much to my upper body. May be it's about time to push it a little. I couldn't see my clavicle for the longest 3 months in my life now.


sitting here alone enjoying my wrap and coffee give me moment of peace and able to think what should I do. You wanna guess what? I know what I'm gonna do. I'm preparing a piece for #musicforsteem. I'll upload a song later.

That's what happens ☝️ when you discover Music for Steem, it's hard to think about anything else, especially when sitting alone eating subway, indeed.

Nice photographs, thank you for sharing.


Lemme guess, you have not been eating Sub for like 3 years now? Or 30😂 jokes aside, I don't know if other has the same experience with MFS. When doing music related project, it always has the feeling of I wish I can do better this way or that way. In the end, the same song I've recorded like 10 different compilation and having hard time to choose which one to use for the submission.

I have not had a sub from Subway in maybe 2 years. They are very overpriced and I can go to a hood shop and get one twice the size for half the price ;)

Music For Steem will increase your appetite, so you may need to find a better bargain for your consumption needs.




吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~


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