Communities based monthly report - 3steemCreated with Sketch.

in STEEM WATCHERlast year

When we include an image or article owned by a person/site in our own post, crediting the owner with the name or source link purifies the image or article we use. But if we use someone else's text or image without giving any credit to its owner or continue as our own, then it is plagiarism.


Total number of my cases handled in last 30 days
NoUsernamePost LinkPlagiarism TypeCommunity Name
1@kamrulkhan FOR BETTERLIFE
2@hemalhembram ContentSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
3@anubhab1 InfringementSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
4@hemalhembram ContentSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
5@bettymikki ContestSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
6@umar009 InfringementSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
8@saleem0786 ContentSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
9@steemithuseyn ContentSteem Kids & Parents
10@saleem0786 FOR BETTERLIFE
11@ovinn InfringementSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
12@yannick673 FOR BETTERLIFE
13@uyisaac InfringementSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
14@samuelowusu1 ContentSteem Kids & Parents
15@prukhsana ContentSteem Kids & Parents
16@entity01 InfringementSteem Kids & Parents
17@zeeshanjoyia49d PostSTEEM FOR BETTERLIFE
18@onomzy001 PostSTEEM4STUDENTS


What kind of cases do I get?

I have worked in these Five communities "Steem For Ladies", "Steem Fashion&Style", "STEEM4STUDENTS", "STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE" & "Steem Kids & Parents" for about 1 month. First 2 weeks worked on STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE" & "Steem Kids & Parents" community. And next two weeks worked on "Steem For Ladies", "Steem Fashion&Style", "STEEM4STUDENTS" community. The communities I worked on this month. I haven't noticed much plagiarism in these communities this month. I have tried to post them as best I can.

How many cases have been solved, how many abusers have stopped abusive activity.

Actually we are working first two week in two specific communities here. And spent the last two weeks working in three other communities. Various community members post here. An abusers does not work continuously here. It can be seen that a person shares plagiarism content regularly. He shared a "STEEM4STUDENTS" plagiarism post one day. After that he regularly plagiarized other communities. But he no longer posts "STEEM4STUDENTS". As we have to work in two designated communities. Therefore, we could not catch that person. I could not solve any case for this. I only comment to explain to the poster what he is doing. This is wrong. May he desist from doing this act and not do such act again.

How many abusers are still continuing abusive activities?

As we work in two defined communities And here an abuser does not work regularly. In that case, whether he continues to act like this after I catch him or whether he has recovered. We have no other way to understand it. Post checks are not allowed in communities outside of our three communities.

Information about handling any other cases

None of my accounts seem suspicious this week.

Published a brief statement about my entire 30 day program

I have worked in these Five communities "Steem For Ladies", "Steem Fashion&Style", "STEEM4STUDENTS", "STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE" & "Steem Kids & Parents" for about 1 month. First 2 weeks worked on STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE" & "Steem Kids & Parents" community. And next two weeks worked on "Steem For Ladies", "Steem Fashion&Style", "STEEM4STUDENTS" community. I found some plagiarism in the first two weeks. But in the next two weeks. I found only one plagiarism post. The admins of these three communities are very active. They work efficiently.

STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE - admins: @el-nailul, @heriadi and @irawandedy, moderators:
@ubongudofot, @damithudaya

Steem Kids & Parents - admins: @ngoenyi and @steemkidss, moderators: @nadeesew, @simonnwigwe, @udyliciouz, @m-fdo, @karianaporras, @drhira, @bossj23

Steem For Ladies - admins: @patjewell and @liasteem, moderators:
@steemladies, @aviral123 and @solperez

Steem Fashion&Style - admins: @ashkhan, moderators: @hive-126193, @uzma4882 and @drhira

STEEM4STUDENTS - admins: @solexybaba and @ruthjoe, moderators: @mato445 and @badmus-official



Are there any unusual transactions from the official account of the community?

I haven't noticed anything like that in the last 1 month. All is well.

Is any account fake among the accounts in charge of administration?

No I didn't notice anything like that.

Booming support is being neutrally distributed?

I haven't seen any monthly list sharing of Booming Support in the "STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE" community. "Steem Kids & Parents" & "Steem For Ladies" Community Booming Support is listed weekly. The booming support in the two communities "Steem Fashion&Style" & "STEEM4STUDENTS" has not yet started.

Are all good content creator properly supported from the official account of the community?

Yes, they provide quality support to every member of their community from their community official account.

Are multiple accounts being used in the community?

I haven't noticed anything like that yet.



Vote for @bangla.witness

Thank you

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