Favourite Retro Game Character?

in Gaming Community3 years ago


Hi everyone,

When it comes to retro gaming characters, there is really only one choice for me.. Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII. Not only is he my favourite Retro Game Character, he is my favourite gaming villain. Full Stop.

So what makes Septhiroth so.. umm, for lack of a better word.. good? Maybe it's because he is so bad, I mean, he does (SPOILER ;D ) kill Aerith! Being a child at the time of playing this, I was almost brought to tears by the death of Aerith. So why didn't this make me hate Septhiroth? Logically, I should be striving to gain revenge for our fallen party member. But no, all I can think is 'I would love to have Sephiroth in my party!'.

The appeal of Sephiroth comes on many different fronts. Firstly, his mysterious persona make us want to learn more and more about this character. He has a an absolutely giant sword, Masamune. His hair is just awesome, I mean, who else could pull off long grey hair that well!?

Now, playing the game through for the 100th time, I am able to beat Sephiroth with relative ease. But the first time I got to the end of Final Fantasy VII to battle Sephiroth, it was my first time ever battling a final boss in any RPG. I was probably only about 10 years old. First hearing the epic theme that is One-Winged Angel. My little mind was completely blown seeing him destroy pretty much the whole universe with one of his attacks.

Perhaps it is more of a nostalgic thing, but that's the whole appeal of retro gaming, it takes us back to a simpler, and maybe happier time. This is what makes Sephiroth my favourite Retro Game Character.

Who is your favourite Retro Game Character, and why?

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