An alternative treatment for COVID-19

in The Bleeding Edge3 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I posted an article where one researcher, Dr. Byram Bridle, describes the potential hazards of the mRNA vaccines. If his warning that the vaccines may reduce fertility is valid, then I wouldn't want my children to take it. Fortunately, neither of my children (Rebecca or Edward) live in my province, which requires a vaccine passport to retain one's job.

I am not suggesting not to get the vaccination; I am suggesting that people make an educated decision. On the other hand, what is the best guidance to follow what is the best guidance to follow what is the best guidance to follow if you don't choose to get the vaccine? The best option is to avoid getting infected entirely. We all know this: wear masks; wash hands; distance yourself from others. You can't become infected if you don't go where the virus is, reduce your exposure if you are in its presence, and kill the virus if it gets on you externally.

If you do become infected, many things decide how dangerous it will be. I will only refer to viruses,, but this applies to bacteria as well. The first thing is the load. If you only receive a single virus, your body will likely destroy it before it can affect you. Most masks will not protect you from becoming infected, but they can lessen the load so that you don't become infected. In keeping with the theme of load is the speed that the virus will reproduce. One difference between the original strain of COVID-19 and the Delta variant is that the variant has a load 1000 times the original. A person can transmit the virus to other people faster, and the virus can make the person sicker faster. The body doesn't have time to rally its defences.

The immune response takes a long time before it becomes activated. If it takes ten days for your body to recognize a virus and only five days for the symptoms to become so severe the patient is impaired, the immune response is way too slow. The scariest virus that I can think of - Ebola - can be symptomatic within two days and fatal within six days. It is way too fast for the body to develop an immunity to it. In contrast COVID-19 (the original) doesn't present symptoms until day 4 and they are quite mild. The more severe symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) typically do not appear until day eight. I person could go an entire week before the symptoms become severe enough to require going to the hospital.

The question is what can you do to lessen the impact of the virus before your immune system fully kicks in. Viruses have an optimal pH level necessary for them to replicate themselves in a cell. If you can alter this pH, it is possible to slow virus replication. Vitamin D is necessary to facilitate many of the bodies processes so it is critical to have a sufficient level. During the winter people cannot get enough exposure to manufacture Vitamin D.

The active nutrient is Zinc. When Zinc enters the cell, it changes the pH. Having sufficient Zinc in your system is essential. A second thing to have is called a Zinc Ionophore which facilitates the transport of Zinc into the cell. The anti-malarial drug, hydroxychloroquine, is a zinc ionophore. It is important to remember that these need to be in place to prevent the spread of the virus pre-symptomatically. It is not a treatment after a person is symptomatic. If isn't easy to obtain hydroxychloroquine, especially as it was politically expedient for people to denigrate its use. However Quercetin is also a zinc ionophore and it is easily available through diet.

A treatment that I would have seen is a transfusion of Vitamin C. Since this is't something that an ordinary person can do, I would encourage you to remember this if a person you know does have to go into hospital. This page, Promising treatment options, is just one that tracks research on Vitamin C infusions, Invermectin and other treatments.

As part of my ongoing research for alternatives, I came across a reference to using Chlorine Dioxide as a potential treatment for COVID-19. ClO₂ is commonly used to disinfect drinking water in municipalities and bottle water. It has also been considered for use in treating other illnesses.

Why ClO2 works against covid 19 a scientific approach


It has been successfully used as a prophylaxis for relatives of COVID-19 patients.


The first question on how dangerous Chlorine Dioxide is comparable to caffeine. It has an LD50 of 292 mg/kg while caffeine is estimated to be 150–200 mg/kg (I have seen it to be estimated as high as 375 mg/kg). Using ClO₂ as a treatment is quite safe because the levels that they used was 0.5 mg/kg.

In May 2020, Ecuadorian doctors decided to test chlorine dioxide in solution to treat 104 patients. These patients signed, under notarial verification, an authorization and discharge to receive this treatment.
How does CDS work on viruses (and bacteria)? The small size of viruses (and bacteria) allows oxygen to oxidize them very quickly, without affecting the larger cells of living organisms infected by viruses or bacteria.
Although the replication of the protein capsid may continue, the formation of the fully functional virus is blocked by oxidation thanks to ClO2.



(I confess my Spanish is limited by I believe this says "Protocols Against Coronavirus and Other Viruses/Virosis: CLO₂")



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