Steemit Achievers: The Pandemic Story Series 01| Changes in my Life

in Steemit Achievers3 years ago (edited)


Life is full of difficulties. You have to meet them, greet them and defeat them.

Hello Steemians and SteemitAchievers!!

I am just thrilled to post about this contest since there are so many things I wanna share about my experience during the pandemic. I know our situation is not something to be excited about but this experience has changed me in so many ways.

When the pandemic started at first it was something we thought of just a joke, nobody prepared us from this. I thought it'll all pass and we can move on with our lives. But I was wrong, we were all wrong, sometimes our faith gets tested and question our existence. Could it be the end of the world or are we being judged for what we have done? Well a lot theories came to our mind.

But one thing is for sure that we still have to continue with our lives. Good for those who get to keep their job or eat three times a day. For those who are lucky to have a shelter to live in or parents to support their studies.

Hope in The Pandemic

During this time I too struggled, my husband not having a job and me getting a paycheck that isn't enough for all the expenses. It was really hard making ends meet but always God has a way in every problem there is always a solution. And that is when I was encouraged to write again. Steemit has been a great help for me. And with all the blessings I have received I want to share it and make others feel blessed even in this difficult times.


Despite the difficulties many people experience at this time there are still many people who are so kind and that is always willing to help. And to the person I am always thankful here at steemit steemcurator01. In the time I am here in the platform he has taught me the value of extending help and investment. I have seen his willingness and the need to guide a lot of us. His kind words open my mind to doing something good in my own little ways. His tough words awaken me that one should not just keep on receiving but also know how to give and that is to give back to the platform by powering up.

Special Bonding

For the past few months I was able to spend more time to my family. My mother and my steemit friends. Through steemit I have built a strong relationship with my steemit friends and co teachers who has the same goal as me. We share the same interest and that is to help people. With what we have we plan and together do our charity works.

Love more

Lastly this pandemic has taught me to love more. Love my life, coz I only get to live it once. If we get the virus we could end up getting well or dead. To love my job, coz despite the difficulties I face everyday and the risk I encounter, I still have a job to go to everyday. Love my family more because we all are gonna pass this world and we might not be able to spend more time with them.

Challenges come to our lives, we can choose to give up and loose hope or fight and stand up. This pandemic might have become the greatest challenge to many of us, but let us still remember that there is always the other side. When there is darkness there is light. Let us just have more faith. Keep steeming!




You have made wonderful deeds that should inspire others to do their share. You are an inspiration, and I hope you will be blessed even more here on #steemit so you can help more people especially those who are in dire need and especially during this time of the pandemic.

A lot of people may not know it, but there are thousands of people now here in the Philippines who are having a hard time to find money to buy for their food. This is the result of the closure of thousands of micro, small and medium enterprise due to covid19.

I wish more #steemians will be blessed like you so you could reach out to more people or families.

Lastly, thank you so much for participating in the challenge, I am very delighted to know you are using #steemitachievers community in one of your amazing, inspiring and very informative content.

God bless you always!

Thank you @steemitachievers for giving filipinos the chance to express and develop themselves through your community.

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