Bringing New Users vs Bringing New Investors, What is Better for Steem Value?

in Steem Value3 years ago

I guess it's an old debate regarding Steemit; what is best for Steem value?

In a short period of time Steem has gone through a lot, I would say. I have seen many investors come and go. Because why not? Money can talk and people go after money. But if you ask about content, adoption, alternative social media; then maybe we have to rethink what should we do for the best of Steem.


Which concept will bring quality Content?

There used to be a time when the trending was flooded by different investors, companies, treaders in Steemit. It can be a long-run debate about whether their content was quality or not. But there's no argument that their contributions are significant to run the economy.

I would say, Steem is not just about money as long as it's connected with Steemit. So there's no other way than adopting users, not just investors. Because I have said earlier, it's easy to lose investors when the price drops. But look at us, we are here even when the price was $.$0.07!

Which concept will bring excellent Steem price?

I guess there's no other way we can move forward without big investors in Steem. But wait, aren't the users going to be the future investor. Maybe they are on a low scale, their contribution is not significant but they can grow gradually.

I believe, adopting more users in Steemit and promoting Steem can sort this situation. I always believe that it's better to have more than having it on large scale. What goes higher, easily falls. Steem is always open for investors, we just need a little push to promote it in the right place. And if we can do so, there will be users as well as investors interested in Steem in no time.


Which concept will bring growth to the Blockchain Social Network?

  • Reward Pool
  • Connection through content
  • Freedom
  • Alternative Social Media

I would like to include these four as a significant variant for future Steem networks.

Money always motivates people. And it only can go up if we do more from our side. Our work can bring & attract more users and investors, both.

Making a connection with people around the world through content/blogging is what makes Steemit different from any other social media. It's different, it feels different, and as much as I understand people love it. So why not?

Freedom of speech is what we are looking for in this blockchain network. Without any fear, we can share and if we continue doing this it will adopt the majority someday.

And not last but the least, Steemit can be a real alternative to other social media. Focusing on this, we can grow more.

So in summary, this place should be for both users and investors. One is for content and the other is for running/growing the economy. It can never work one without another. Better, we should make plans to adopt both, promote to both, and welcome both to be in this network.


This is my entry to the CONTEST: THE 5 BEST SUGGESTIONS WIN, Bringing New Users vs Bringing New Investors, What is Better for Steem Value. If you are interested you can also join.


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Hello dear friend @ rem-steem good night

I love your perspective of our company, (Steemit) excellent the four points that you have highlighted.

A very important motivation, both for the content creator and for investors, is the 50% and 50% compensation modality; This was a real hit.
Much success in the contest
have a beautiful night

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I believe so, it's a shared platform; we need everyone to grow this network.

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