"Black Cumin Oil Is The Cure For All Diseases" by @sumayaorin

in New Destinationlast year (edited)



Greetings to all.

I sincerely hope everything is proceeding smoothly. In some ways, I'm doing well. Sumaya Orin here, and this is my first posting to the community. My sharing will be enjoyable for everyone. Today, I will be delving into a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy and secure lifestyle that significantly impacts achieving balance and well-being. The all-encompassing subject of discussion is "Black Cumin Oil.



Black cumin is known to all of us. Nothing like black cumin brings a little different flavor to food. But the use of black cumin is not limited to enhancing the taste of food; it has many more benefits. Black cumin seeds have been used worldwide for centuries to treat various ailments and diseases. Studies have also found the effectiveness of black cumin against multiple diseases. It is helpful as a seed as well as an oil. Since ancient times, its use has been mentioned in almost all kinds of civilizations.

Importance in Islam

According to Islam, Kalijira is a medicine for all diseases. Because, in a pure hadith, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has clearly and specifically indicated Kalijira as a cure for all diseases except death.

Black cumin oil is produced from black cumin seeds oil. Our health will benefit significantly from it. Black cumin oil has more than 100 beneficial properties. About 21 percent of this is meat, 38 percent are carbohydrates, and 35 percent are vegetable oils and fats. Its regular consumption provides various benefits.

So, let's know the benefits of black seeds and black seed oil.

How to use black cumin oil

1. A teaspoon of mint leaf juice, orange juice, or a cup of black tea mixed with a teaspoon of black cumin oil and consumed three times a day will relieve anxiety and work for intelligence development at a double rate.

2. A teaspoon of black cumin with three teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of tulsi leaf juice is taken for three to four days to relieve fever, pain, cold, and cough.


3.Massaging black cumin oil on the affected areas can relieve arthritis pain.


4. People with asthma or breathing issues can benefit from black cumin. Eat black cumin seeds regularly. Black cumin seeds also treat breathing issues like asthma.

5. Regular consumption of black cumin reduces the risk of cancer.

Apart from these mentioned benefits, black cumin has many other benefits. Regular consumption of black cumin can cure almost all types of physical ailments.

  • Lowers high blood pressure:

    A review of four studies suggests that black cumin oil may help lower blood pressure. A significant improvement in blood pressure has been proven after consuming half a teaspoon of black cumin oil twice a day because of this oil's high thymoquinone content, which may be the hero in lowering blood pressure.

  • Lowers Cholesterol:

    Black cumin oil is high in polyunsaturated fatty acids, increasing good cholesterol and lowering bad cholesterol in our bodies.


  • Controls weight:
    Some studies suggest that black cumin oil may also help lower body mass index (BMI) in obese individuals or those with type 2 diabetes.


  • Treats acne:
    Black cumin oil can also treat acne by reducing skin inflammation. Applying a cream rich in 20 percent black cumin oil to the acne area has shown surprising results.


  • Moisturizes the skin:
    Applying black cumin oil moisturizes the skin and relieves some skin conditions (e.g., eczema).

  • Helps in hair growth:
    Many people report that using black cumin oil has increased hair thickness and reduced hair fall. According to researchers, the proteins and fatty acids in black cumin oil stimulate the growth or development of hair by increasing blood circulation..


  • May increase sperm count:
    Some studies suggest that consuming black cumin oil may increase sperm count in infertile men.

    The benefits of black cumin are endless. Black cumin oil can be consumed as a capsule or liquid. Some doctors say consuming 1-2 teaspoons of black cumin oil is safe.

    This is all for todays writing.

Stay Healthy, Be Happy

Thank You Everyone

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Thank you for your reply.I have checked all my mistakes and corrected those and next time I will be alert about posting any content.

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thanks for correctin but have to go more way. Now your AIgpt is corrected but plagarism is increased. please the attached screeshot and make it organic.
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Hope you will correct this.

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