A Unique Weather Station

in Feel Good4 years ago

Just a very short post to share something to make you all Feel Good starting the week. I saw this picture below which was shared to me in my FB and just had a good laugh while reading it. Made me feel, just that, good. Also it made me realize that to make this week right, I have to keep in mind this picture and remember to apply this in whatever situation I find myself in this week.


First: I must always have a sense of humor. There's nothing better than finding something to laugh about, not laugh at mind you, as I go through this week. As the saying goes, "Laughter is the best medicine."

Second: I must always have my wits about me. This way I can always act and reason quickly given the circumstances.

Third: Don't take life too seriously. I may encounter serious problems, just like a hurricane, and I might find myself wallowing in misery. But just like this coconut weather station, if there's a hurricane, then it simply gets lost. Replace it with another one. Right?

Fourth and last: Always use my common sense. Don't attempt to analyze things too deeply. Too much analysis leads to paralysis, so they say. The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines common sense as "Sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts." I'll just keep that and this coconut in mind. I know I'll be good.

That's all folks. Hope you pick up something from this short post. Have a great day and week ahead everyone. Stay safe, wear those masks and shields, and keep distancing.

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