My Street Photography by @davidmarkgeorge

in SteemPhotoslast year

Hello great steemians, I am so delighted to make a content on street photography. Much thanks to the community and @poorvik for organising this contest.

Definition of a street

A street is a public road in the town,city or village. It consists of building, pavements, boulevard and paths. Streets are important routes that connect villages, towns and cities, it will be impossible to travel by land without streets even on air we have route that leads to another. So street plays a vital role in human survival, even before the invention of a stone based road people used bush tracks to reach thier destination.

On a cool evening while heading to church service through the newly constructed road in my city, I was so pushed to take a picture of the street showing a peaceful and sunny state.

The picture defines alot about the street which are building, nature, people, vehicles and pavement.

Early this month, the Government brought in contractors to fully repair the damages caused by heavy vehicles. Being a major road vehicles diverted to use another route to thier destination then I was free to approach the vehicle without much fear of accident because the road was totally free.


Before approaching there, my brother gave me a portrait shot giving a swag pose in my vintage stripes shirt. The street is one of the most used public road in the city.




While I was growing as a kid, I asked myself several questions while trees are grown by the road side seeing the disadvantages of it, being it can hinder a driver from seeing up coming vehicles but I surf through the internet and saw advantages of growing trees mainly on the street. Generally there are called boulevard, growing trees helps the ecosystem keeping it fit for survival. So here is a picture of a boulevard street leading to a Big market in my city.

Thank you for going through my post 🥰❤️


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