Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: NO ATTACK!

Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: NO ATTACK!

Hello Friends

I am here with my this week splinterlands battle challenge so this week battle theme is no Attack, this is really very much interesting theme and very much hard because some time we could not understand that in which position we should place our card to get victory in the battle and no one has no idea about its opponent lineup but you can see how beautiful i gave positions to my card to make victory possible in this battle, so here i want to again explain that if you are new user of hive and want to know more about this challenge then visit to this official post here you can get every information about this battle challenge



My lineup in this Battle



It was total 50 Mana battle, and i was in position in this mana that i can place good card in my lineup that i have in my list. so i tried my best to placed my card and i won this battle with following lineup .


i used MALRIC INFERNO summoner in this battle, reason of using this summoner was this that i was going to use fire blaster card to make victory possible so because of this i used this fire summoner it is RARE Fire Summoner.

Malric is a unique curiosity in the already diverse Burning Lands. He is a spectre of fire with powerful attacks of his own, but he is also extraordinarily brilliant. Malric has graduated from every Ferexia school, including the prestigious Summun Infuria. He is especially skilled in boosting the attack power of his monsters.source


first when i came to know this week theme that it is no attack , i was not getting idea, that what its mean, but after getting information about this theme , this points cleared that i have to use the card that has no attacking ability, so i think GELATINOUS CUBE is card that has no ability of attack but has many good skills that can help to win any level game, it has ability of healing in each round, and enemy attack can not melt this ice cube very easily so reason of using this card at first place was this that i wanted to bear the first attack of opponent and my 3,4,5,6 position card will attack continuously to opponent team, so i had no idea that my other attacker card will miss attack in first round but i lost this card very quickly. so it was theme card according to this week challenge.

One night when the moons were full, the renegades of the Lunta Kalna performed a secret and powerful ritual. Their ceremony called forth forces of wind, rain and hail; for the first time ever in recorded history, there was a hailstorm in Draykh-Nahka. Except it wasn’t only hail that fell from the sky that night. There were also a small number of strange Cubes that seemed to be alive. They have the look of ice, but upon contact with most objects, the surface of the Cube turns to jelly and absorbs the object, rather noisily. It is assumed that this is how the Cubes eat. When attacked, Gelatinous Cubes can make their outer shell as hard as solid ice for a short time. They can also alter their size to some degree, swelling up and increasing their power, depending on how much they have absorbed that day.source


i placed LORD ARIANTHUS at 2nd place, because i was thinking that if my first card will be lost its life mean died quickly thank my this card will take its place and LORD ARIANTHUS has ability of no attacking but my this card will be not die very easily, because it has great powerful skill of safety so its shield keep this card very much safe from the attack of enemy . it is one my favourite card that i used very much but in this mana battle i think it was good idea to use two no attacking ability card to win this battle,
It is LEGENDARY Neutral Monster.


PYROMANCER was my 3rd card that i placed it at 3rd position , reason of using this card at this position was this that i wanted to destroy the 2nd lineup of my enemy so i was thinking that PYROMANCER will also help the no attacking card to attack the first position of enemy and blasting ability of this card will also the damage the 2nd line up, in this way my blast ability card will be good to use with no attacking ability cards so my this card played as i was thinking in my mind before entering this battle.

it is EPIC Fire Monster



i placed it at 4th place , reason was same as was for my 3rd card, i was thinking that my 3rd position and 4th position will help to destroy the first line and 2nd line up my enemy so i got success in this idea in shape of victory in this battle. because my both card that are in 3rd and 4th position has ability of blast and this ability not only damage the first line of opponent as well as 2nd line up too. so my first two card was no attacking card , so these two card has ability of blast so that was in my mind hope you will get my point it is RARE Fire Monster.


It is COMMON Fire Monster reason of keeping this card at 5 position was this that it has strong attack and has ability to damage very badly first lineup of enemy but you can see it was luck of my enemy that this ETTIN SPEARMAN did not play very well in first round and missed its attack so because of missing the attack , my first card cube died very easily, if this card first round did not miss then i was in position to keep safe my all cards so unlucky my this card first round was missing round but in 2nd round ETTIN SPEARMAN destroyed badly first line of opponent so this was reason to keeping this card at 2nd last position.



It is RARE Neutral Monster CYCLOPS reason of this card and 2nd last card was same to using them in these position, so i was successful in my plan, i am happy my thoughts that was in my mind before using these card in these position went successful to get this victory , hope you all will enjoy my this lineup in theme of no attacks ability cards .




If you want to watch my this battle live on splinterlands site then below is the direct link to this battle
DIRECT LINK TO BATTLE : Splinterlands Battle Challenge || THEME: NO ATTACK!

My answer to following Questions

Question : Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

  • Yes my strategy worked and i got victory in this battle, so this victory showed that my planing was 100% correct.

Question : Do you use NO ATTACK monsters often? Why or why not?

  • No , i do not use very much no attacking monsters because we have no idea, that what kind of team is coming in fronts of my monsters from enemy side, but i used very much LORD ARIANTHUS card very much because of its strong safety and shield that protect this card from enemy attack.


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