NG's Recipe 35 - Why Stone Apple squash is the super food of this summer.

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Aegle Marmelos or Indian Bael is a fruit native to countries in South Asia. The leaves (Bilva leaves) of this plant are valued by those in India for both its health and spiritual connotations. However, today we are going to talk about the fruit and its immense possibilities.


Indian Bael also known as Stone apple or Wood Apple or Japanese Bitter Orange is a super fruit!

• It contains thiamine and riboflavin which is excellent for liver and heart heath.
• It purifies the blood. It’s a great detoxifying agent and thus very helpful to those with kidney issues.
• It is a great source of protein. A boon for those looking for a food with high amounts of non-animal proteins.
• It’s a treasure house of fiber and pro-digestive elements. For those looking to increase their metabolism and reduce digestive issues, Indian bael is very good.
• It’s extremely good at boosting immunity. We could all do with some these days. It's also great for alleviating respiratory problems. It's highly recommended for people with Asthma, cough and cold and other respiratory issues
• It’s a magical elixir for those suffering from diabetes. This controls the uncontrolled sugar level spikes in the blood.
• It's cooling properties on the body are well touted as per Ayurveda. Nothing like a glass of Beal Squash when your kids come back after playing in the sun or from school. It's great even for Adults who spend time in the sun during summers.
• And lastly, it’s amazing to taste. Its one of the tastiest fruits you will ever eat!

While beal can be eaten as a fruit, and in the villages that’s usually how people eat it. In the cities we have grown up using the pulp of this fruit to make squash or Sarbat in Hindi. As kids we used to look forward to our mothers making this.


How to know the stone apple you have chosen is perfect for your squash ?

  • It should smell ripe and fragrant.
  • It should have brown spot and markings. If its all green, Avoid it. It's not ripe.
  • If you shake it and hear the fruit "rattle", avoid it. It is over-ripe.
  • Drop it from a few inches height to the ground. If it bounces, avoid it. Its not yet ripe. ( Take this with a pinch of salt. If you break the fruit trying this, the shop keeper may insist you buy it)

I have used sugar to make this drink tasty as it's usually done.You can skip the sugar if you are into a non-sugar-based diet.That’s a lot healthier. Also, for diabetic patients’ sugar is not recommended. Usually i don't use sugar when i am making this for my family. However, it does reduce the taste quotient of the drink and while adults may enjoy it. Kids tend to enjoy the sweeter version.So,in this recipe I have used sugar so that it’s a complete recipe.

I have also added some spices in the drink. That too is optional.

If you are making the drink for children, you can try some club soda instead of water. I have used water in this recipe since its healthy and the traditional way to make this drink. However, using club soda does add that extra zing, which kids might enjoy 😉


One medium size Bel fruit/ Stone apple.
3/4th cup sugar/ Sugar Syrup (Optional)
½ tsp black pepper. (Optional)
½ tsp rock salt / ¼ tsp normal salt. (Optional)
Ice cubes
Club Soda (Optional)

The Recipe

Break the fruit neatly along the surface. A hammer or a heavy object should suffice. Its best to break along the center. Keep tapping hard along the center it should break. Keep the fruit on the ground while doing this. There is a good possibility that it may slip out of your hand while breaking.


The fruit is full of fibers inside which makes it very hard to break apart. The best way is to insert a knife from the center and cut it in both directions.

Take out the pulp. You can again use the knife to cut along the sides of the fruit to get the pulp out. Use a spoon to scoop out the pulp stuck to the sides. The pulp stuck to sides are very tasty and have a different texture to those in the center of the fruit. Don’t let them go waste.


Mash the pulp. Use lukewarm water. This helps get the pulp out quicker.


One you have the pure pulp ready. Set aside.


If you plan to add sugar. Prepare a sugar syrup. Alternatively, you can also add sugar in the end. But It can become a little difficult to get the sugar to mix in cold water. So, its best to first prepare a sugar syrup or use a readymade sugar syrup.


Now fill 1/4th of the glass with the pulp. You can store the rest of the pulp as given below.

Add sugar syrup to taste. Mix Well.


Add the Salt and Pepper and mix well.


Add two-three cubes of ice.

Add cold water or club soda as per preference.

Serve chilled with a dressing of mint leaves.


There ! Your refreshing drink of bel sarbat is ready for you to enjoy!

The kids absolutely love this. You can store any leftover pulp in a closed bowl in the refrigerator for the next 4-5 days to make fresh batches of drinks. Do keep them near the top where its cooler. However, do NOT put them in the freezer.

I hope you enjoy making this sarbat as much as I enjoyed sharing this with you. If you wish to know anything about my cooking do feel free to reach out via the comments section. I will try my best to share.

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