Nexuspay activation at your convenience

in BDCommunity4 years ago

Hello BD Community

Hope everything is well and you're enjoying your time with out trouble facing.


Today i am going to announcing about the activation of NexusPay app, how you can activate by hassle free with a minimal cost of 10SP/3SBD per activation.


Before make a deal, i have to clear some condition.

  1. Its a non-refund program and their is no claim after deposit.

  2. You have to send your SP/SBD at the address of @kushtia2 and mention your nexuspay registered mobile number in the memo section. If you forget to do that, it wrost of you.

  3. Multiple number in memo and deposit is not allowed, if its done no refund. (there is no refund for any kind of deposit)

  4. After maiden your deposit and mention your mobile number in the memo, the activation will be done at next working days from 10.00am to 6.00pm except friday and Saturday. The deposit thursday and Friday will be treated at next Sunday or working day.

  5. Stay in patience, here is no hurry up. The booking time of current date will be open for 10.00pm following by the rules no. 4.

  6. In the comment section of this post, you may take a confirmation of current date before deposit after 9.00pm.

caution and pre-caution for nexuspay activation.

A. You must ensure before making a deposit.

  1. You have a valid registration & status pending.

  2. This service is only for activation, other nexuspay related issues will not be treated!

  3. Your number is must not use for another person's A/c sms alert number or as a link number.

  4. Your registered number does not belong to different name rocket A/c or agent banking.

  5. You must not avoiding any calls, your registered number must be open for the next working days after deposit and following rules 4 & 5 of the condition applied to make a deal.

Simply you have a deposit and get activated your nexuspay next morning.

Till best of luck.

Deposit to @kushtia2 and your nexuspay registered number in the memo.

Queries may in comment section, answer your question for available of the time being.


Another announcement: 50% discount will be applied till 26th Aug, 2020. Discount will be given after deposit and activation.

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