Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

Edited with photostudio


I usually refer to conscience as a person's moral sense of right and wrong. Our consciences can act as a guide to one's behaviour.
A consciences can be liken to a compass who directs the sailors. If a compass is properly used, it takes the sailors to the right direction, and he will reach his destination . If used wrongly, the sailors will not get to his destination. So our consciences can either lead us to life or death.

Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons.

A lot of things contribute to the reasons why youths and adolescents act with more violence.

Some of the reasons are;

  1. Peer pressure
  2. Drugs abuse
  3. Lack of parental supervision
  4. Mental disorder
  5. Domestic violence


  1. Peer pressure: So many youth willingly or unwilling get involved in violence act because of the group they belong to. Some youth are pressured by members of their group to join in violent acts, and of such a youth disagree, him or her will be neglected or looked down on. Some youth
    There are youths who are not violent in nature by being pressured by their peers to join in violent activities. And because they feel pressure, they become violent and aggressive.

  2. Drug abuse: Some drugs have the tendency to increase aggressiveness in a person and reduce fear of anyone or death. When youths take such drugs, they become violent and aggressive, they do not fear anything and can also do whatever they want to do under the influence of the drugs.
    Some of these drugs, when used excessively, can cause depression and anger, which in turn can lead to the youth becoming aggressive and rage.

  3. Lack of parental supervision: Some parents do not have enough time for their youth and as we all know, youth do not have the ability needed to make good choices, so they need an adult supervision especially their parents.
    Youth when leave unsupervised get deceived by adult that do not have good intentions for them.
    Some youth do make friends with the wrong people, people who will lead them into trouble. These wrong people or bad friends will encourage them to take unnecessary risk or make choices that if their parents were to be present, they wouldn't have allowed them to make.

  4. Mental illness Youths who are mentally ill are at a higher risk of causing violence.
    Adolescents with mental illness always have aggressive behaviour and angry feelings almost at all times.

  5. Domestic violence: Children who experience domestic violence in their homes will practice it when him or her grows up. If a child lives in a home whose parents were hash on him, he will later become violent when he grows up because that is part of his life, and he will see nothing bad about it.
    It is important to live peacefully as a spouse and also treat our children with love and care.


What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

To improve the situation of youths and adolescents' violence behaviour, I will suggest these two alternatives;

  1. Having a deep discussion with youth about violence and asking them how I can be of help. When you see that adults have their interest at heart, they will feel loved, and that special love shown to them will make them not hurt anyone's feelings or disappoint them.

  2. I will provide quality education about violence very early in life before the child reaches adolescents. This will help the child to make wise choices even if he is pressured to engage in violent activities the previous knowledge the child had will help him to decide whether to join or not and I am sure the child will not accept to join in any violence act.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others? Explain some reasons. Have you had to help others?

Today's society is more apathetic to the pain of others. They don't care what others are passing through in life, all the care about is themselves.

The reason why it is so is because,

  1. That is because our society embraces apathetic behaviour right from infants. They grow up to see others being apathetic to people around them who need help, and they also live apathetic lifestyle.

  2. People who have onces suffered from psychiatric conditions show apathy to those who need help because of dysfunction in certain areas of their brain.

  3. One who is under a stressful condition can show apathy to anyone who needs help.

  4. Lastly, frustration can cause people in today's society to show apathy to those who need help.

Source No feeling of love to one another.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instilled in your family?

Some of the principles that were instilled in me are;

◆ Do unto others what you want other to do unto you. This means that if I want people to treat me with love, care, and respect, I should also be loving, respectful, and caring to other people. My family taught that I should try and be good to others.

◆ I instilled in my children the principles of trusting and respecting elderly people.

◆ I have instilled in my children that humility and honesty are the best policies in life.

◆ My family instin me not to keep company with evil doers. And so I have instructed my children not to keep bad friends.


A well trained conscience will lead us to life while a consciences that have been conditioned to suit the society's apathetic behaviour can lead to death, which will not mean good to us.
Let us have our consciences trained and stop violence act because the end is disastrous.

I am inviting @eliany, @ninapenda and @bela90 to participate in this engagement challenge


Friend, I agree with you, the violent or apathetic behavior of some young people begins with problems at home, we need a more united and sensitive society.
I like your closing words, since if we do not wake up as a society the end will be disastrous.
Success in the challenge and blessings.

Thank you so much dear for your kind words and appreciating my post. Seriously the end to violence is disastrous. Today's society promote violence and apathetic behaviour but do not care about consequences on our youngsters.


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It is really true that our environment today influence the growing up children and lure them to be violence, you are really doing well in installing in your kids this great knowledge they will grow with it and live be er to forget them.

Wishing you success 😃

Thank dear sis for stopping by, you see some youths wouldn't have get involved in violence act but due to bad friends and peer pressure they joined in violence act.

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