Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W3 | Gesture of Love

in Reflexiones de Vida10 months ago (edited)

My loving greetings to All my dear Steemian friends,

To day once again i am taking part in the competition "Steem engagement challenge-S12/W3|Gesture of Love organised by @hive-190211 in Reflexiones de Vida

LINK of this post is as under


I also want to invite three of my friends to participate in this contest::
@mini80, @moyeon, and @chasad75

God has given us all human beings different emotions, lust, anger, jealousy, greed, anger, love, attraction, shame, forgiveness, and many more. But every person in his life, due to his own personal preoccupations with the well-being of himself and his family, is often forced to ignore many needy people even if he wants to.

And many times, under the influence of emotions, he helps someone beyond his limits. And sometimes he is not able to help anyone even if he wants to.

Do you remember the love gesture? Share your experience.

I would be happy to share an experience from my life with you.

In my neighborhood, a woman lived alone in a house on rent. I had heard that her husband works as an engineer in an Arab country, and he gets a very good salary.

I only used to say hello to that lady while coming and going to the office, but beyond that I didn't know much about her.

Then one day I saw that she was crying, I asked her what was her problem. She told me that the country where her husband worked had a fierce war with another country, and many foreigners had gone missing in this war, including her husband.

The woman again told that now neither is she able to contact her husband nor does she have money to meet the household expenses. I felt very pity and after consulting my wife, I made him settle in the upper room of my house, and told her to stay at my house and eat food etc. till his husband is found. That woman accepted my offer.

My offer of help brought tears to her eyes and she hugged my wife and started crying. After about 6 months, when the war ended, her husband returned safely. Both those husband and wife were always grateful to me and my wife .

Which person in your life has influenced you and you have not noticed their help? explain.

In fact, my parents had taught me since childhood that if you have the capacity and you can be of help to someone, then there should be no hesitation in helping that person. But sometimes one has to face such people in life when a person becomes helpless.

One of my friends was a very good businessman, but unfortunately his son fell into bad company and became a victim of drug addiction. I felt very sad about the condition of my friend. My friend tried many things to free his son from this drug addiction but all his efforts failed.

I also tried to help them financially, physically and mentally as much as I could in this matter, but due to all this it started affecting my own family, so then I distanced myself from their help. Because these things were affecting my growing up son also. This incident had a great impact on my life.

List 3 things that inspire you in your community and what suggestions you make to help. explain.

The first thing that impresses me is that no child should feel the absence of a parent, so when I was in the hospital, some women were reluctant to take their new born babies home due to domestic reasons, so I, with the help of an NGO, used to provide such children to needy couples.

The second thing is that we formed a group and created an organization to conduct mass marriages of poor and destitute girls and through this we got mass marriages of hundreds of poor girls done. Rich personalities of the city also helped us financially in this work. We will continue to receive blessings from these girls throughout our lives.

Third but not the last, the thing that impressed me was that many abandoned patients suffering from incurable diseases used to come to my hospital for treatment, whose families were also shy of them, and did not come to meet them or see them.

To help such patients, our NGO used to provide essential things like clothes, fruits, medicines etc. to these patients. Very generous people and rich people also helped us in this work.

What do you think about the following case: “A friend was in health trouble, you could not visit him, nor did you help him in any way. Shortly thereafter they die, and you make a lot of efforts to go to the farewell ceremony, you make an effort to bring them flowers and be there,” explain.

Yes, such an incident will always be imprinted on my mind, this is a very old incident, a friend of mine had burnt a lot of his body in a car accident. He was situated at a very far distance from my city, so I could not go immediately to meet him or see him, and during those days, due to my busyness in official work, I could not get any information about my friend nor could I help him in any way.

Then after about 15 days I was informed that my friend had died during treatment. I felt very sad and now I decided to go there immediately and could reach there on the third day by leaving the next day after receiving the information. In our country, after 13 days of death, a farewell program is organized in the memory of the deceased, then with a broken heart I remained there till the farewell program of my friend and came back after giving solace and mental help to his family.

This life is witness to many such events, which sometimes include happiness and sometimes sorrow. But the wheel of time continues to rotate at its uninterrupted pace.

THANKS FOR READING MY POST. 25% to @burnsteem25


 10 months ago 

Hello Friend.

Very good your opinion about gesture of love. There are many ways to give love. I am sorry for your lost. I can not imagine it. 😔

I guess you heart was broken for this situation.

This experiencia was unforgetable. Thank you for sharing with us.

Best wishes.

 10 months ago 

Thank you my friend,
Your compassionate comment has given me relief.
You are definitely an emotional person.
Your always well-wishing friend.

 10 months ago 
Hola @ sur-riti, muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros a través de tu participar una semana más en nuestra comunidad Reflexiones de Vida.

Me sorprendió esa anécdota pero que bueno que junto con tu esposa pudieron tener ese gesto de amor que seguro quedo en el corazón de esa familia.

Fue un placer leer y verificar tu entrada. Bendiciones!!

Mis mejores deseo en el desafío de esta semana.

Recuerda apoyar a otros usuarios con comentario y voto.

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 10 months ago 

Has hecho una valoración muy bonita y acertada de mi post. Además, tus elogios han subido mi moral.
Te agradezco desde el fondo de mi corazón.

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Usted y su esposa hicieron un acto muy noble y, lo felicito por ello porque, de esa manera se dieron la oportunidad de emplear valores del humanismo y la filantropía así que, ruego a Dios para que les continúe bendiciendo el corazón con esta nobleza.

Mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 10 months ago 

Hola, amigo,
Les agradezco estos valiosos y hermosos comentarios.
Siempre te seré bienqueriente y agradecido.

Que bonito post mi estimad@amigo y que gran gesto de amor ayudar a esa mujer en desgracia que luego afortunadamente y gracias a Dios regreso su marido sano y salvo. Dios recompensara su benevolencia. Exitos en tu entrada.

 10 months ago 

Gracias señora.
El amor dentro de tu corazón es visible en tus hermosas palabras emocionales y en tu hermosa expresión.
Que Dios te llene de más belleza y emoción.

Feeling extraordinary sadness when someone who is our friend leaves us forever. We can only pray and accept his death. Success for you

 10 months ago 

Thanks sir, for reading and commenting on my post. This is true .

Thank you for inviting me in this contest. I will surely take part in it :)

beautiful post good luck of this contest

Love is indeed something good which is been share amongst people.

Helping that lady in your neighborhood was a very good sign of love. I can imagine the pain and frustration learning about the chaos in her country and not being able to connect to her husband and family. You did the right thing of filling that gap for her. She will certainly not forget it

Those are great actions of love there with your NGO to your community. The lives you have impacted will forever remain grateful to you. The patients, the poor and girls you helped get married.

So sorry about what happened to your friend. Thanks for sharing with us

 10 months ago 

Thanks madam ,
This life always continues between happiness and sorrow, frustration, disappointment, love and hatred. There are many such incidents in this life which sometimes hurt, and there are also such which make us happy by remembering them.
This is called life.

For sure these aspects you've listed will always present themselves in life. How we manage them is also important and life moves on

Usted y su esposa han realizado un gran gesto de amor, darle alojamiento y comida a esa señora desamparada; seguramente ella y su marido le estarán agradecidos toda la vida.

Es muy lamentable la situación de su amigo y que no haya podido ir mientras estaba enfermo; es por ello lo importante de dar apoyo cuando estamos con vida, hacer saber lo importante que son en nuestras vidas.

Éxitos en el concurso.

 10 months ago 

Muchas gracias amigo,
Definitivamente eres una persona amable. Que valora los sentimientos.
Por eso piensas eso.
Con respeto y honor.

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