Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

in Reflexiones de Vidalast year (edited)
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Greetings everyone and welcome to my entry for the a call to conscience contest by this prestige community. A Conscience is said to be your moral sense of right and wrong, those acts that guide to one's behavior. The gut feeling that tells you this thing your are about to do, or doing is wrong, hence this is about awakening our conscience.

Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons

The issue of youth and adolescent violence is a recurring headache in the world today, and we can't help but wonder what connected such an innocent group (Youth and adolescents) to an act of terror.

Youth is considered to be someone between the period of childhood and adulthood, that's the period a child goes through to become an adult, aren't they supposed to be cute and innocent? But, times changed and youth violence is a widespread disease around the world.

This Problem sometimes brings about conflicts between two families and communities that can expose to danger those involved or even their loved ones.

The causes of such acts vary from one to another as they contain physical, emotional, and psychological violence, sometimes this happens even without them realizing what they have done. Some of the causes of youth and adolescent violence include;

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  1. Media Platforms
  2. Use of drugs
  3. Peer Pressure
  4. Poor or lack of Parenting

Media Platforms: The media is such a powerful tool that has a great influence on not just the younger generation but adults also. The things they see in the media tend to rub off them as the eyes are the windows to our souls. They learn all sorts of things and try to emulate what they've seen.

Use of Drugs: The use of hard drugs tends to raise bellicosity in a person and diminish the fear of anything. These drugs act on them and cause so much havoc among teenagers, that they only realize what they have done after the damage has already been done.

Peer Pressure: Cases related to pressure usually come from the people they hang around and associate with, the idea to show the next person who's the boss. Hence, they would go all out to prove to their friends they can do it, hence being pressured to carry out such acts to avoid being looked down upon by their peers.

Using myself as an example, to this very day my peers around me still consider me too soft to be a man as I've never taken violence as an option, hence calling me all sorts of names like "Woman man" and the rest waiting for me to prove them wrong that I'm not a woman man.

Poor or Lack of Parenting: The adage "Charity begins at home" covers everything as the family is the first point of social organization in the life of every child. Hence, the role of parents in their lives is essential in the conduct of young people. I left this to be last because virtually every other one is connected to parenting, as the holy book says;

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” - Proverbs 22:6

Being the first point of contact, children learn from the ways of the family, parents must be a tour guide in their life journey and if this is neglected, they act as it pleases them.

What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

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It is said that, to every problem, there is a solution, To improve this situation of youths and adolescents' violent behavior, here are my alternatives;

Since the home is every child's first social hub, I will be starting with what parents need to do better as this covers the majority of the problem.

Parents need to create more time to bond and educate their children in the ways of love. When your children feel the love you have for them, they confide in you even on their bad days. This will help you understand your kids better and also help encourage them to pick love over violence.

Love in this case is not in words but in actions training them to be better adults and to love everyone as themselves, and that violence is never an option.

The second would be the use of the media, as earlier stated, the media is one powerful tool hence it should be put to better use to benefit them. Utilizing the media as an informative and educative tool to build their creativity and skills.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others? Explain some reasons. Have you had to help others?

Apathetic in this case means having to show no feelings or concern for the pains of others. This I believe is due to certain factors as no one is born apathetic, but rather with love as even the act of the conception is known as lovemaking. So then, what causes apathy towards others?

Envy and Jealousy: when people envy you, they tend to turn a blind eye to your pains, look the other way, and wish you bad instead of raising you, they plot your downfall.

Greed: this is another factor, greed has to do with someone wanting everything to himself alone, hence he doesn't care if he is hurting others as our politicians do, they hurt an entire nation, turning blind eyes to their plight and tears for the benefit of themselves.

Social and Religious differences: This is another common ground to which people show apathy to the pains of those who are not in their social or religious group. Because he is not my brother, race, or religion how he feels doesn't matter to me.

Have you had to help others?

I'm empathic by nature, I sometimes feel I help too much. I lend my helping hand to anyone in any way that I can.

I get this feeling of joy that I'm in a better position to help not just myself but those around me and if I find myself in a position where I can't help when my help is needed, I feel really bad because I know if it things was okay, my help wouldn't be needed.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instilled in your family?

Being a young man who has yet to have his own family, I will be sharing the non-negotiable principles that were instilled in me by my family which I look forward to passing on to my own. Here are a few such principles;

Honesty, I was taught to carry honesty as my watchword, and never be in any form of falsehood.

Humility is another powerful principle that was instilled in me, I was taught to live a humble life and carry it on as my way of life.

Love, the greatest of them all, the golden rule at home was to love one another as we would love ourselves and to love in actions without expectations. The bottom line was, to do to others what you would want others to do to you.

Live a Peaceful life, I was groomed to live life peacefully with those around me, no matter where I found myself, which I've come to enjoy myself.

Another is Hard work, the idea of hard work is to be up and doing and not lazy around, it is about doing something meaningful with my time and giving my best in everything I find myself doing.


Having a conscience is what singles us out from the wickedness of this world, it is what makes us humans and differentiates us from animals. These days, it seems even animals have more conscience than humans, therefore awakening your conscience.

I wish to invite @yakspeace, @ninapenda, @ruthjoe, @drhira and @suboohi

Thank You for your Time

NOTE: Always have a smile on your face, as you are never fully dressed without one.



Thank you, friend!
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 last year 

@sahmie your post is a poignant call to conscience and it resonates deeply. You've touched on some crucial issues we face from environmental concerns to societal values and personal responsibility. It's inspiring to see your passion for creating a positive impact on the world and encouraging others to do the same. Your words remind us of the importance of collective action and the need to protect our planet for future generations. Thanks for sharing such a thought-provoking and timely message on Steemit. Let's continue to raise awareness and drive change together! 🌍🌱

Thank you for your support, dedication and time. I really appreciate. I know everyone has a conscience in us, so we can make a collective effort to create awareness and awaken our slumbering conscience for a better future.

 last year 

Saludos amigo.

Es un gran análisis el que has elaborado sobre el tema y con el cuál estoy totalmente de acuerdo, son muchos los factores que intervienen para generar este estado de violencia en los jóvenes que preocupantemente cada día va en aumento.

Pero creo que el problema principal está en la familia, ya que es en el seno Familiar dónde deben darse todas las herramientas de educación, Amor, atención y apoyo para que los jóvenes no sigan desarrollando conductas violetas.

Debemos ser garantes de la estabilidad para nuestros hijos, y tratar de minimizar en lo posible al menos las causas internas que pueden estar desencadenando estás conductas en ellos.

Excelente valores Morales los que recibió en su educación.

Éxitos y buena suerte

Indeed the family is the first social group to any child before anyone else, hence the saying "Charity begins at home" we are to tutor and nurture this little magnificent brains to be productive when the grow with love, support and care.

Teaching them the ways of peace, love and how humility and not violence as I've seen parents shout at their kids to fight back. This is wrong upbringing hence, like you've said family is indeed essential in this fight. Thank you for your support and time.

Me gusto mucho la redacción del post, y como mencionaste si los padres se encargan de darle a sus hijos una mejor crianza, inculcarle valores y aparte de esto ayudarlo a utilizar los medios de comunicación de la mejor manera esto pudiera contribuir significativamente de manera positiva en ellos.

Éxitos en tu participación.

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Thank you for the invite my friend

Yes youth and adolescent may have caused so many problems in the society for instance in Lagos city of Nigeria where I live. The youths are always violent, always finding ways to hurt people, no wonder robbery increased so much this year in my street that we had to employ the services of security.

But I can also say there are still some youths that are doing great and making us proud

That's quite scary... And it will be a funny experience living in such an environment as such of the warriors turn to be the security.

But I can also say there are still some youths that are doing great and making us proud.

No matter how bad a situation is, there's always a positive side to it. It is just that we are used taken a general opinion on everything.

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