Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

in Reflexiones de Vidalast year (edited)
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Hello friends!!

It's weekend and I can't miss to put in my entry today in this topic. The world would be a better place if we all coporate.

Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons

Youth violence has become a widespread disease in the world today. It keeps increasing day by day without reducing. Taking an example with what we see in my country Nigeria. The young ones are supposed to be attractive in and out, beautiful and smart and putting their abilities go good use but today, the table has been turned around and all we see is violence everywhere.

I guess most of these adolescents carry out some of these violent activities without a clear knowledge of what they have done and the implications.

Some of the reasons for youth violence includes,

  • Domestic violence and Child abuse

Children live their lives by what they see, as they mature into adolescents. Infact one of the things that moulds the character or formation of a child is what he constantly see. So children should be handled properly while they grow up.

I know some couples that live in a one-room apartment, they have sex right in front of their teens at night and they use the term "they are children" to cover up their acts. Some fathers abuse their girl teens sexually and leave that child traumatized.

All these act contribute to how violent the child will turn out as a youth or an adolescent.

  • Poor parenting supervision

when parents gives less attention to their children it affects them alot. Teens are prone to making wrong choices so they need parental guidance. When these teens speak to their parents and get less attention, they go outside and talk to anyone available, anyone willing to listen to them and they could be given wrong advice that might cause violence.

Parents should be seen as the bedrock of their homes. When parents are too permissive, the teens might lose interest in their studies and their future ambitions. A child can only maintain a good way of life if the parents has inducted such way of life in them at an early stage of life.

  • Environment and surrounding

Where these teens live can have a great impact on them causing them to live aggressively. Due to some insecurity records in some areas, some youth may form a group in the name of security within the neighborhood and this can result in youth violence, gun wars, robbery, etc. I have seen this happen in the city where I live. In a bid to protect the neighborhood from street robbers, some young youth came together to form a security group which later turned out as disaster.

Use of hard drugs and alcohol

To a youth who uses drugs, The use of hard drugs gives him false self-confidence, reduces fear, and gives him false boldness. Once these elements are achieved, they can act violently due to the hard drug. They can only feel sorry once the drugs have cleared off.

What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

I feel to improve this situation or behavior the following two items can be considered;

  • Give room for problem-solving

When there is a problem, it shouldn't be handled alone by the adults, teens,youth or adolescent should also be allowed to think and bring in their solution. Walk with them through the process and appreciate their effort. This will give them a sense of importance and value.

  • Listen and Talk

As a parent or adult, you can start up a conversation with your teens don't wait for them to come up to you first. You can do this by putting it out as a joke. And don't always be the one to always dish an advice to your teen, sometimes find ways to seek their advice on a matter and listen while they advise you.

Listening to them gives them a sense of value and they would want to open up to you on some hidden matters you do not know. Remember it is not lecture time but conversation time. You can raise topics related to violence, sex, drugs, and others.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others, Explain some reasons.Have you had to help others?

The word apathetic in my understanding simply means not showing concern, not bothered, or lack of emotions.

Today's society are more apathetic to the pains of others in other words, do not show any concern or are not bothered about the pains of others because of my fellowing reasons..

  • Frustration

Many people in our society are frustrated at their lives situations already, they are not happy with them selves so how can they feel the pain of others when they themselves are frustrated at their own condition? They need help themselves so they focus on themselves.

  • Lack of love

When people in the society lack love, they will definitely not know how to give love to people. Love can be seen in actions so how can it be done from a person who don't have it? These people who do not have love in their lives do not care about others, they do not care about the pains of people.

  • Greedy

When the majority of people in the society becomes greedy things go wrong. Any one who has greed can do anything just to satisfy himself and do not care if anyone gets hurts as they pursue their dreams. This is another reason for the society becoming more apathetic to the pains of others.

  • A dead conscience

I was taught that every human has something called the conscience. The conscience is the voice of our spirit/heart. The conscience speaks to us when we do things that are against what our heart believes. But there are people whose conscience are dead. As long as their conscience are dead, they do not care about how they hurt people or how hurt people are. They just live their lives to please themselves alone.

And yes I have helped others in many ways. Am generally a loving person so I have plenty love to give and still have more left. Even here on steemit, I do my best to help anyone who tries to reach out to me with questions or so. Even in the communities where I work as an mod, I help by serving with all of my heart.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instill in your family?

Growing up as a kid, my family was amazing with my parents and siblings to complement me. Some principles was instilled in me by my parents and even my siblings, let me share some with you.

  • Honesty

This was really an important one my parents instilled into me. They taught me to always be truthful no matter the circumstances. Back then some of my siblings would steal something in the house and lie about it. My Dad will discipline them for lying. He told them to always say the truth at all cost and I learnt while I watched.

  • Simply lifestyle

Oh my mum is a degree holder in simplicity. She taught us to live a simple life, be content and don't get extravagant. She would manage the finance that my Dad gives to her and the one she has to build the home. She wasn't like the other women on the neighborhood who wore so much expensing attire just to show off, she remained simple. No wonder I am so simple.

  • Hardworking

Another principle my parents taught me. My parents were not lazy while I was growing up. They worked so hard to provide our needs and they taught me that hard work will always sets one apart. I took that and it has been working for me. I am really hardworking both online and offline.

  • Respect for elders

I was taught by my parents to to always respect those older than me, those in authority and those who are higher than me. I give my respect when I find out you are in any of those categories mentioned. More so, I also Respect my friends too.

  • Kindness

Oh am so kind to people I come in contact with. My heart is so lovely. I got it from my parents. Back then in my house, there were many people living with us, my parents took care of them, paid their school fees, clothes them and fed them. My parents are kind hearted do they instilled it into me.

My friends are invited to this contest
@princa @lhorgic @sahmie

 last year 

Saludos amiga.

Por supuesto que el abuso, la Violencia intrafamiliar, el entorno donde se desarrollan los jóvenes, las malas influencias de amistades perjudiciales y más grave aún el uso de sustancias ilícitas original en los jóvenes cambios en su personalidad, irritabilidad, soledad, odio y todo conlleva a la Violencia.
Es muy triste ver cómo la juventud de va perdiendo en el mundo oscuro de la violencia, sin dirección, sin apoyo y sin amor. Por eso debemos ser garantes de buenos valores, instruir a nuestros hijos sobrinos y amigos a ser más telerantes y manejar mejor sus emociones.

Gran trabajo amiga

Yes my friend you are right and it's so sad to see that we are gradually loosing our youths..



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Greetings my amiable friend...

Truly the attitudes of teens, adolescents and youths towards violence is at its peak levels compared to the past, it just seems nature get angrier as the years go by.

However, the family still remains the first correctional center for our kids, lets not just teach them to be better, but awaken their sleepy consciences. Thank you and all the best.

Haha I just couldn't hold my laughter..
Yes I totally agree that the family still remains the first place I child is groomed and giving the right training to make a beautiful society.

Thank you my friend

Asi es mucho jóvenes caen en malas practicas como ser violentos sin si quiere detenerse a pensar el daño que le pueden ocasionar a los que le rodean, una de las cosas que los puede llevar a actuar de esta forma quizas sea el entorno en en el que encuentra.

Excelente participación amiga te deseo éxitos en tu participación.

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Yes my friend you are right and this is why we must start from our families to protect and guide our kids properly to make a better society

Saludos amigo que buen post, son tantos los flagelos que azotan actualmente la sociedad y fomentan la violencia, no solo en los jovenes, sino en todos los estratos sociales y edades. Exitos en su participacion.

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