Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W5 | "Preservation of the planet: Animals threatened with extinction"steemCreated with Sketch.

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Hello friends, I hope you are all well. I am also well because of the infinite mercy of God. Once again, I come to you to participate in this amazing topic of the fifth week of the Steemit Engagement Challenge. Through today's challenge, I will share with you about preservation of the planet.

Mention some causes that have encouraged the extinction of animals

Earlier there were more animals than humans, but with the development of civilization, many animals have almost disappeared. Many other factors, including human inventions and climate change, have encouraged the extinction of animals. Below I mention some reasons

  1. The first reason is the destruction of animal habitats. Animal habitats have been destroyed for human settlement and industrialization. Forests are home to more animals, but the world's population is increasing and animal habitats are being destroyed to accommodate humans. And due to the destruction of the habitat, the animals could not reproduce, which led to their extinction.

  2. Hunting animals. This is a very crucial task as humans hunt animals for their benefit which has a huge impact on the ecology of animals. For example, deer are still seen more in zoos than in forests. And the deer is the tiger's food. When the deer is hunted, the tiger's food shortage occurs and the tiger population decreases. Thus the ecosystem that an animal forms with other animals is disrupted and the animal becomes extinct.

What animals are in risk of extinction? You can refer to those that are endangered in your country or region where you live.

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Our national animal of Bangladesh is tiger but its existence is at the most risk. The number of tigers that used to be in our mangrove forest Sundarbans is now almost negligible. Because tiger food deer have been hunted by humans for their needs which has reduced the food supply of tigers which has had a huge impact on their ecosystem and also reduced the number of tigers. And among the few tigers that were located, many have been kept in captivity in different zoos. As a result, our country's tigers are on the verge of extinction

What measures do you suggest are necessary to apply to preserve animals threatened with extinction?

Many species of animals have already become extinct. If measures are not taken to save endangered species, there is a possibility of their extinction. So that is the action I would suggest:

  • First of all, it is important to raise awareness among people about the extinction of animals. Limiting the creation of human habitats where animals live because in order to preserve the existence of animals, their ecosystems must first be preserved.

  • We know that various fashion items are made from animal skin which has created a lot of demand among people. But because of this animals are being hunted so we have to give up all the fashions that are made from animal skins.

  • We need to do more to reduce environmental pollution. Recycled material should be used as an alternative to plastic because animals mistake plastic waste for food. Animal Resources Department to be more active in their work so that no one treats animals cruelly.

Let's reflect a little: What would be your calling in the preservation of species in threatened with extinction?

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Let's all unite to protect endangered species and sustain their existence.

Everyone should know that animals also have equal rights to live on earth. So let's refrain from actions that will put the existence of animals at risk.

Awareness must first start from oneself and one's family, then everyone in the society will be aware of the existence of animals.

I would like to invite my friends @enamul17 @mdkamran99 @solaymann to participate in this content. Contest Link: SEC-S12-W5: “Preservation of the planet

Thank You So Much For Reading My Blog
 last year 
Saludos amiga @ripon0630, muchas gracias por compartir con nosotros a través de tu participar una semana más en nuestra comunidad Reflexiones de Vida. Debemos de empezar nosotros y así animar a la familia, amigos, vecinos, comunidad y hasta que todos lleguen a entender lo necesario que es de cuidar a los animales. Los mejores deseos en el desafío de la semana, bendiciones!! Recuerda apoyar a otros usuarios con comentario y voto.

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 last year 

Los animales también son seres vivos que necesitan téner su habitat libre de contaminación v diferentes amenazas, los humanos poco a poco hemos dañado el medio ambiente y nuestro animales sufren por ello

Holaa sr @ripon0630 me da como triste cuando ud menciona que antes habían mas animales que personas 😪 ahora no y eso quiere decir lo mucho que se ha destruido el habitat de los animales y no es justo😠se debe tomar conciencia y lo de los productos hechos a base de animalitos es verdad, no se deberia. Suerte en su reto ❤️

you concerning the critical situation of tigers in the Sundarbans mangrove forest in Bangladesh. Human activities such as hunting deer, deforestation, and habitat destruction have indeed put these majestic animals at risk.
I am saddened to know about the situation there. I pray to God that everyone remains safe and happy.

The dreaded disadvantage this civilization is bringing to animals is so dreadful. How I wish something could be done about this to help this situation because these animals are just too precious to go on extinct because humans are clamouring for easy life.

Best of luck to you

Complementamente cierto amigo, a veces se les olvida que los animales poseen el mismo derecho a la vida que nosotros, y que muchos de ellos estuvieron aquí incluso antes que nosotros, es egoísta no hacer nada para evitar su extinción.

 last year 

Let's reflect a little: What would be your calling in the preservation of species in threatened with extinction?

আপনার লেখার মধ্য থেকে আমি শুধুমাত্র এই অংশটুকু তুলে নিয়েছি। কারণ এই প্রশ্নের উত্তর আমার কাছে অসাধারণ ছিল। এখানে আপনি সবার উদ্দেশ্যে শান্তির বার্তা উপস্থাপন করেছেন।

সবাইকে একত্রিত হয়ে প্রাণীকুল রক্ষার আহ্বান জানিয়েছেন। একটি দেশের আদর্শ নাগরিকের মনোভাব প্রকাশিত হয়েছে এখানে। আপনাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ শ্রদ্ধেয় বড় ভাই। আপনার জন্য অনেক শুভকামনা রইল।

For saving animals we should care them avoid to hunting and smuggling

Deae brother @ripon0630, Your engagement post on animal extinction was really nice. Yes, you really said that the national animal of Bangladesh Royal Bengal Tiger is going extinct which was bad news for us. The main reasons for this are rampant deforestation, climate issues and poaching of tigers by pirates, all of which have led to the extinction of our national animal. But the current happy news about this animal is that now the movement of this animal has increased in the Sundarbans and the number of tigers is increasing again. The main reason behind this is that the pirates no longer poach forest animals or cut trees due to government regulations and regular patrols by the Coast Guard. I appreciate your presentation.

La caza furtiva ha sido una de las prácticas más dañinas para la vida de diferentes especies animales, hay que tomar consciencia al respecto y respetar la existencia de cada una de ellos. Podemos vivir de forma armónica en este planeta.

Éxitos en el concurso.

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