Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A Call To Conscience

Hola ladies and gentlemen, hows' everything going on, hope you're all doing well. I'm thrilled to participate in this brand new contest.

Designed In Canva


Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons.

You know, it's quite intriguing when we ponder why our youth, including us youngsters, sometimes tend to act more aggressively. There are several factors that come into play:

  • Friends and Peer Pressure : The thing about us young folks is that we often want to belong, nd there are instances when we end up doing things we wouldn't typically do jst to fit in or earn respect from our peers. Sadly, this might even involve violence if we think it'll make us appear tough or gain us that respect.

  • Home Life : What's happening at home has a profound impact on us. If we're exposed to violence or a challenging family situation, it can significantly increase the likelihood of us behaving aggressively ourselves.

  • Media and Tech : I've noticed a lot of violent content in video games, movies, and online platforms. It can make violence seem entirely normal or even appealing to some of us.

  • Mental Health : Some of our friends may struggle with mental health issues, and that can sometimes lead to aggressive behavior. It's tough to witness.

  • Money Matters : Growing up in a family with financial difficulties and limited opportunities can make us feel frustrated and angry. Unfortunately, that anger might manifest as violence.

  • Substance Use : I've seen how drugs oor alcohol can impair judgment nd self control, making it more likely for someone to bcome violent under the influence.

  • Bullying and Being Bullied : If we or our friends hve been victims of bullying or mistreatment, it might compel us to act aggressively as a way of self defense.

  • Culture and Society : Depending on where we live or the cultural environment we're a part of, the acceptability of aggressive behavior can vary. In some places, it might be seen as more permissible.

But at the end of the day not all of us young folks resort to violence, nd there are plenty of things that can help us grow into responsible and compassionate individuals. Factors like strong family support, access to mental health services, and edu. on conflict resolution without violence can make a substantial positive difference.



What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

There are a couple of ways we can work on improving the situation and helping our youth exhibit less aggressive behavior:

  • Teach Conflict Resolution and Social Emotional Skills : One solid approach is to bring in programs that teach our young ones vital social and emotional skills. It's like giving thm a toolbox filled with things like empathy, communication, nd conflict resolution skills. These programs can be part of school curricula or community initiatives, helping our youth handle their emotions better, deal with conflicts peacefully, and build healthier relationships.

  • Expand Access to Mental Health Services : Another imprtant step is to make sure our youth hve easier access to mental health services. Sometimes, aggressive behavior is a sign of underlying mental health issues. By making mental health support more accessible, without judgment or stigma, we can identify these issues early nd provide the right help. This way, our youth can learn to manage their emotions and behaviors more effectively.

By combining these strategies with community involvement, strong family support, and awareness campaigns, we create an environment that supports our youth's growth into responsible and compassionate individuals while reducing violent behavior.



Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others, of others? Explain some reasons.
Have you had to help others?

In today's society, empathy for the pain of others may appear diminished for several reasons. Exposure to distressing news nd graphic content through the media, especially online, can desensitize individuals. The digital age has led to a sense of detachment frm real world emotions due to the lack of depth in online interactions. Information overload can leave people feeling overwhelmed nd indifferent. Societal polarization, economic stressors, and a lack of personal connection with diverse communities can reduce empathy. People often prioritize their own struggles over the pain of others when faced with economic inequality and social stressors. Despite these challenges, fostering empathy through education, open dialogue, and personal connections can help counteract apathy and promote a more compassionate society.



Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instill in your family?

Family instill a set of principles to foster positive values and behaviors:

  • Respect : Valuing each member's worth and boundaries, and listening to their opinions.

  • Kindness : Encouraging acts of kindness to create a loving atmosphere.

  • Honesty : Emphasizing truthfulness and integrity in all interactions.

  • Responsibility : Teaching accountability for actions and commitments.

  • Communication : Promoting open and effective dialogue within the family.

  • Empathy : Nurturing the ability to understand and share each other's feelings.

  • Tolerance : Encouraging acceptance of diverse beliefs and perspectives.

  • Teamwork : Stressing cooperation and collaboration in family activities and problem-solving.

  • Gratitude : Acknowledging the value of what one has and the kindness of others.

  • Forgiveness : Teaching the importance of letting go of grudges.

  • Self-discipline : Instilling self-control and responsible decision-making.

  • Education : Valuing both academic and emotional growth through learning.

  • Family Bond : Prioritizing strong family connections through quality time together.


I invite @josephdaniela , @lizaallizana & @ninapenda to participate in this contest.

P.S : I'm not active on Twitter



Life skills, especially social issues, are an inseparable part of living this life.

 last year 

Tomar conciencias muchas personas son maltrato, no ala violencias muchos jóvenes están condenados, pero hay solución a tiempo vivir saludable hacer deporte éxito y Dios te bendiga

Bendiciones muy buen contenido

Muy buena participación y mucha razón en decir que una buena iniciativa para intentar reducir la violencia, es brindar más apoyo en la salud mental de las personas, nunca se sabe por lo que una persona está pasando y si sus actitudes violentas son debidos a problemas internos.

La familia es un factor muy importante para inculcar los valores que toda persona necesita para convivir en sociedad; lamentablemente, no todos cuentan con un ambiente familiar sano y que procure ese buen comportamiento. Felicitaciones por su participación.

Saludos, SLPS.

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