Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release.

in Reflexiones de Vidalast year

Greetings to all of my honourable steemian friends from my heart. The fourth week of Engagement Challenge Season-12 has started. Every selected topic is interesting and heartwarming.

This topic is interesting to me, and I think everyone will enjoy it. I will share my opinion with you by answering the set questions about the cover. I want to invite my honourable friends @munaa, @noelisdc and @mshrif to participate this attractive topic.

1- What does forgiveness mean to you?


Forgiveness means, to me, giving up. I see someone doing something wrong to me, but I don't say anything to him; I do him a favor, which is forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a great virtue; one who can forgive is undoubtedly a great personality. Forgiveness is a small word but very important word. Even God loves a forgiving person.

2.- In your childhood, do you remember your parents forgiving you for any mischief? Tell us about it.


Yes, there are many such incidents in childhood. I will go back to childhood for a little moment. Childhood memories will remain immortal in our memory pages forever. Let me tell you a small, memorable incident from childhood.

I was probably five years old then. Especially those of you who are in the village, you are aware that in the afternoon there are a fair number of boys and girls seen in childhood in the village.

I also live in a village by birth, so it would not be an exception in our village. In the afternoon, I used to go play in the field next to the house. We all used to play different games, including gollachoot and dariabandha.

But suddenly, I was not being played. I was very angry. Then I bring a small pot of water and pour it on the ground. One of my cousins got mad at me for it. Immediately, I hit him hard and ran home.

Come home and tell Mom and Dad everything. Then my father and mother did not get angry and calmed me down. He explained everything to me coldly without scolding me in a single word and forgave me.

3.- Do you consider yourself to be a grudging person?


No, I was not negative at all as a child. I had more positive traits. I never spoke on the faces of elders.

Still, I like to keep a positive attitude. But I cannot control myself when I see immoral activities. You can call it a bad habit of mine.

But yes, I always prefer to ignore these bad moments and move on. My duty is always to ensure that no one is harmed by me.

Because good and bad complement each other. The good is worth so much because there is bad. But if someone treats me badly, I try to erase it from my mind.

Otherwise, if you keep the bad moments in your mind, you will suffer more. Having a foreign attitude is not a good trait at all.

Since I am aware of this, I do not consider myself a hateful person. I want others to benefit from me. People should come to me when they are in danger to solve their problems.

4.- Tell us a brief story or anecdote, where it was your turn to ask for forgiveness or, on the contrary, where you were asked for forgiveness.


As a child, I was not at all settled. My mother and now other cousins tell me that I was very restless.

Today I will present a story from my childhood. I had just entered primary school that year.

My father used to bring Fair and Lovely home. It is a type of cream used on the skin of the face. My mother was probably out doing some household work.

Then I applied this fair and lovely cream to my hair. Not a drop of cream was left in that box. I clearly remember having so much fun. I could smell a sweet smell all around.

My grandmother saw this and quickly caught me and brought me to my father. Because my mother may hurt me or quarrel if she sees me.

Then my father brought me home on his shoulder. My parents politely told me, "It's for child, and it's for adults." They also told me that the hair on my head will never grow again if I use it again.

Then I fearfully said, "It will never happen again."

The word forgiveness is very important for every human life. It is one of the most important human qualities. If we consider our real lives, then maybe we can possess this characteristic in ourselves.

I have expressed my opinion about forgiveness. I hope the opinions of others will be interesting and instructive for me.



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Curated by : @anasuleidy


Saludos amiga tienes razon, el perdon es una gra virtud, una virtud liberadora que es a nosotros a quien nos beneficia. Tu travesura fue de ira, que bien que te aconsejaron sin castigarte y aprendiste la leccion porque la violencia llama mas violencia. Exitos en tu participación.

দিদি আপনার লেখা কথাগুলোর সাথে আমার আমার জীবনের কিছু কথার সাথে অনেক মিল রয়েছে। ক্ষমা একটি মহৎ গুণ। প্রত্যেকের মধ্যে ক্ষমা করার শক্তি থাকা উচিত। এটা একান্তই আবশ্যক। অন্যায় দেখলে আমিও সহ্য করতে পারি না। এই সহ্য করতে না পাড়ার কারণে আমি অনেকের কাছেই অপ্রিয়। আপনার লেখাগুলো পড়ে আমার ভীষণ ভালো লেগেছে। আপনার জন্য অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইল।

First of all I want to say thank you! You participate in this contest and invite me. I will try to take part in this competition, and discuss the topics in this competition...

First of all I want to say thank you! You participate in this contest and invite me. I will try to take part in this competition, and discuss the topics in this competition...

 11 months ago 

Muy interesante tus últimas palabras amiga el perdón es parte de nuestras vidas como seres humanos y nos hacen seres especiales y únicos, Gracias por compartir tus experiencias.

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