Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release

in Reflexiones de Vida11 months ago (edited)
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Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
The greatest gift you can give yourself is forgiveness.

What does forgiveness mean to you?

You know this word forgiveness is a very simple word that does not require stress. Although it meant different things to different people, I still don't think it should be so difficult to carry out.

When we say forgiveness it means let go, release, pardon, peace, fresh start, a new beginning, oh! forgiveness means a lot.

I wonder how people carry the burden in their minds for years, months, or weeks and still feel comfortable with the load, it baffles me.

If our creator practices and teaches us forgiveness, then why can't we adapt the system, follow that part, and get it through? I know that in some situations we feel hurt that we can't let go but is unforgiveness any better?

When you refuse to forgive someone, you are automatically holding yourself ransom because your heart is heavy but that person's heart is so free and probably living their lives, but when you forgive, you feel refreshed, you feel free from bondage, and forgiveness gives peace.


Forgiveness is not easy, but it is simple. It takes a mature mind to forgive. Yes, forgiveness is a decision, and it can only take a mature person to make decisions so forgiveness sets in when we are mature not in age but in wisdom.

In your childhood, do you remember your parents forgiving you for any mischief? Tell us about it.

Yes, they did countless times they taught my siblings and me what it means to forgive. Although there are times when they insist on punishing us for the wrong we did when they need to forgive, of course, they do.

This happened when I was about 8 years old. My dad returned from work and we welcomed him as usual, then went inside his room to freshen up.

My dad has this pattern that whenever he's bathing, I start preparing his meals so that he doesn't come out and start waiting. On this day, I forgot and played all through till he called my attention after taking his bath.

I knew my dad was going to flog me so I was scared to go inside the house. My mom prepared his meal and served him and then pleaded for forgiveness on my behalf. Even when my mom told me that I could go in, I refused until my dad came out and called me to say that he had forgiven me but I had to make sure it didn't repeat itself.

Do you consider yourself to be a grudging person?

I am not a grudging person because I feel it is a burden in my heart. There are other better things to think of than having loads of grudges in my heart. But sometimes I tell them I have not forgiven them lets me get their reaction.

It pains me to see someone begging and begging for forgiveness over one issue for a long time. Well, I'm mature enough, so I understand life better.

"Life is too short to live offended"... Joel Osteen

Tell us a brief story or anecdote, where it was your turn to ask for forgiveness or, on the contrary, where you were asked for forgiveness.


Asking for forgiveness was a big deal for me but not anymore. Once am wrong, I ask for forgiveness so that the issue doesn't escalate.

I have a friend called Kelvin. Kelvin is my good friend who is always available to help me at all times, but his dad passed away and he informed me about it and he needed me to be there to help him. On the burial day, I was not able to go because of work and the distance was far so I waited for him to return before calling.

I called Kelvin for 2 days but he didn't pick nor did he return my calls. On the day he finally picked up, I begged him to forgive me, I gave him reasons why I couldn't come but my friend refused to listen to me. This happened last year but do you know that to date, Kelvin hasn't talked to me, he felt I wronged him so much that is beyond forgiveness.

I have sent messages but he still won't accept my forgiveness. I have played my part and I leave the rest to be. Maybe when he feels like it, he will come around.


To err is human and to forgive is divine

We should always remember that what goes around, comes around.

What we were not able to give to people, do we expect the same? It is said that the measure you give to your neighbor is the same measure you get.

Forgiveness is a proper way of life.

I invite @ruthjoe @princa @pandora2010



This post has been supported through the account Steemcurator06. for containing good quality content.

Curated by : @harferri

Thank you Sir

Go dear friend!! Sorry for not starting by greeting you, but I was surprised by your participation, first because I see that you were terrified by your father's behavior and that made your mother the one in charge of asking for forgiveness for you.
It's a shame that your friend Kelvin has that attitude, but I think it's better that you get to where he is and talk because since the telephone was invented everyone believes that a call or a message is enough.
I wish you to achieve that forgiveness that your mind needs to recover that beautiful friendship.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many blessings..🙏🏻

Thank you my friend.

But the purpose of telephone is for solving distance problems like this. Since his distance is far from me, I have tried reaching out through the medium I can and it didn't work.

I know one day our paths will cross and then I will ask for forgiveness again. Thank you pandy for your advice, it helped.

Yes it takes the humble hearts to ask for forgiveness and as you said if our creator should forgive us and teach us how to forgive and the reasons even the benefits of forgiving who are we to resist forgiveness.

I found your post interesting and I wish you success

A lot of people does not understand that they're doing themselves favour by forgiving others. As in you'll feel free and happy, just like a heavy load (burden) is lifted off you.

It's good to learn that you're forgiving, and you will be able to maintain healthy relationships, and most importantly our heavenly father will forgive you. Success!

Thank you so much ma'am. I appreciate your comment.

@ninapenda, Since you were a good friend, she expected you to be by her side in her time of need. She is hurt by your absence. Her emotions worked here. I believe your relationship will be fine again. You will be friends again as good friends. Your presentation is very fine . I wish you all the best.

I know the moment I visit him, he will forget all that ever happened and we will become friends again.

Thank you Sir for your comment.

Amiga @ninapenda, es doloroso cuando pasas por momentos tan triste cuando fallece un familiar y debemos hacer lo humanamente posible para estar al lado del doliente, tu amigo todavía está de luto, el tiempo cura muchas dolencias, espera, pero insiste en lograr su perdón, lo lograrás.

Éxito en tu participación.

Saludos cordiales.

Thank you friend...

Hola amiga @ninapenda.

Saludos cordiales.

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