Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W2 | A call to conscience

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Conscience is that feeling of speaking the truth when we have lied. That feeling of doing the right when the wrong has overshadowed us. That feeling of saving a soul with our truthful words.

Every human being has a conscious, we either feel good or bad when this conscience pricks us. I do hear some people say "I don't have a conscience", but that is a lie because everyone created by God has this feeling. When we refuse to feel it, it does not mean we don't have it.

Children are the leaders of tomorrow, and you will agree that tomorrow will never come. That means the children have to be given a good step and lead to follow. Teaching them how to deal with conscience, how to feel it, how to call out to conscience.

Why do our youth and adolescents act with more violence? Explain some reasons that you think are the reasons.

Youth violence is one thing that cannot be stopped but it can be reduced. It is a big concern all over the world today because it is seen everywhere. And you know, these are children between ages 10- 24 or even below. Youth/adolescent violence involves the young people who go about hurting other young people.

Some common youth violence include; childhood abuse, bullying, violent TV shows, social media, poor parenting, pressure, suicide, and much more. Youth violence is found anywhere there is a community, village, school, church, market, and others.


•Poor parenting; A lot of people taught marriage is all about giving birth, no that is the basis. Giving birth and seeing that the child is what he/she ought to be. I have seen a father who always sends his son to buy a pack of cigarettes 🚬, and he will smoke right before that child. Assuming this goes on and on without being corrected, what do you think that child will turn into? Some parents fight violently right before their children.

•Peer groups; The young do not socialize extensively with other youths and are not easily influenced. Peers become more important as they progress through elementary, and tertiary education. Although school-age children still look tender to parents, making them overlook some behaviors. These behaviors are developed from association with peers because others are doing it, they feel it's right for them to do it.

•Environment; Just like the environment where I live, there are some groups of young girls that rent an apartment just close to my apartment, and do you know what they do? Prostitution, yes that is what they do, and they act violently. Young girls around the neighborhood might be influenced by what they see every day because they want to be like other girls, and when you try talking to them, they might forget a broken bottle on your head🤣. This is not funny but that is the height of violence.

What can we do to improve this situation or behavior? Can you name two alternatives?

•Talking; Keeping the communication channels open for the teens and youth will make them feel free to tell you anything. You can ask open-minded questions and add phrases like "Tell me more," and "What do you think?" questions like these will give them a clue that you are listening and they might want to tell more.


As a parent, you can create an avenue for discussions related to violence, smoking, sex, drugs, drinking etc... You don't have to wait for that child to get affected before such discussion happens.

•Parents should set rules and limits; I think this measure can help. Parents should set clearly defined rules and limits so that their children know what is expected of them and the consequences. I also think parents should be strict with these rules and also make sure children understand them well. Parents should also exhibit actions that are related to what they want their children to be.

Why is today's society more apathetic to the pain of others? Explain some reasons. Have you had to help others?

Apathy is seen as a lack of interest or feeling in a social and emotional state or any particular concern about a particular situation or life in general (like a state of indifferent mood).

Although people may have a short period of apathy at some point in their lives, in the medical field apathy is considered a long-term syndrome that is associated with certain mental states or disorders. Some reasons can be;

•Suppression of emotions, feeling, concern, or passion.

•Sluggishness or low energy to carry out a given task.


•Detachment from life and its social functions.

•Lack of motivation

•Lack of sense or purpose; that is hopelessness or worthlessness

I have helped others a couple of times and I am still helping. No man is an island, we all need each other in this life. Helping people who are mentally challenged, depressed, financially unstable, lack love, and lack motivation, are areas I try to give help within my capacity.

Could you list some of the principles that were instilled in you or you instill in your family?

I learned a lot from my parents because disciplinarian. I am glad that the things I was taught are still helping me till date and I will also instill them to my children for a better life too. Some of these principles are;

•A heart for God
•Hard work

I invite @ruthjoe @aviral123 @eliany


It's a challenging situation for youth to stay without employment, it can cause one to be voilence but then having a skill will help, choosing courses that are self employed helps too so that rather than depending on this poor government for jobs, you become your own boss with your skills.

Good principles were instilled in you, little wonder you are industrious, keep it up.

Wishing you success

Thank you ma'am for your contribution.

It is true that learning a skill can get one so distracted from violence. I wish our youths today, can have it at the back of their minds.

I do appreciate your contribution, thanks again.


 last year 

@ninapenda your post is a powerful call to conscience and it strikes A chord with the issues that truly matter. You've eloquently expressed your Concerns about the environment social justice and the importance of personal responsibility . Your call for collective action and positive change is both inspiring and necessary . It's heartening to See Steemit users like you using this platform to raise awareness and spark Meaningful discussions. Let's continue to be a force for good and work together To address these crucial challenges. Your voice matters and it's making A difference. 🌍🌟

Wow! Thank you so much for these encouraging and motivational words. I am so encouraged to do more right now.

Thank you Sir!

 last year 

its my, please i also posted my entry in this contest you should check it for me

 last year 

Gracias por participar en nuestra comunidad Reflexiones de Vida, es un placer leer y verificar tu entrada. Esos patrones que se siguen, como enviar un hijo por cigarrillo, se está dando el vicio en sus manos, es lamentable esta situación.

Es importante tener reglas, para darle una buena crianza, revisar el entorno donde se desenvuelven los jóvenes, para evitar malas influencias.

Saludos y mucho éxito.

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 last year 

Saludos amiga.

Ciertamente, hay muchas situaciones y factores que hacen que los jóvenes sean violentos y has tocado un punto importante, el ambiente donde se desarrollan y crecen los jóvenes muchas veces son víctimas de acosó, burlas y maltratos que lo que hacen es desviar la verdadera escencia de los jóvenes y causan irritabilidad en ellos y al no poder controlar sus impulsos llega la violencia.

Debemos educar en valores, ser portavoces de esos valores que nos enseñaron y sobre todo dar amor a nuestros hijos, sobrinos y vecinos más vulnerables.

Éxitos con su participación.

La redacción de tus post esta muy bien echa te felicito, me llamo la atención lo que dices, los padres deben tener una buena comunicación con sus hijos, ya que esto les facilitara poder ayudar a sus hijos y esta ayuda puede influenciar a que sus hijos tengan una buena aptitud.

Que grato fue leerte hasta pronto y éxitos.

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I am glad you read and caught something from it. Thank you so much Sir.

I appreciate !!!

I must say you have done justice to this topic. Maybe our parents and adult needs to pay more attention in to youths in the good communication just as you have rightly said.

I believe in a bright future and I still believe that children are the future of tomorrow

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