Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W1 | The Luck.

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I believe in luck and know there is something called luck. In life, we have bad luck and good luck. It all depends on the one people faces each day. There are still people whom their lives are full of good luck while some are full of the bad luck.

As our faces differs, so is our luck. My neighbor might have a good luck in living a wayward, then me seeing how things work for her might follow that same pattern and get swallowed up. Does this show we have the sme luck?

I will use the following questions to continue putting down my points.

Have you had a stroke of luck in your life? Tell us an anecdote.

Oh yes! uncountable times. It happens when I even least expect it to happen. I am a very lucky lady.

When I was in search of a job to keep up with before something big comes, I wrote letters to so many factories, schools and small organizations hoping that one of them would call me but they didn't. I stayed at home believing and hoping that something comes up because I don't like idleness.

On sunday, my mom returned from the church and said that a woman asked of me and also asked if am working now, but my mom replied her with the necessary answers and the woman told her that she would love to see me.

I wondered why she wants to see me for some days, then one day I went to her office and met with her. We talked for a long time about my life, wellbeing, survival, family, after the long talk, she asked me to start work the next week.

It got me so surprised because I didn't labor so had for it, it came on a platter. I guess this is luck , or what do you think?

Having a beautiful relationship, love life, family, and so on, they are luck. I am glad I fall into this category because I have a beautiful relationship that I won't want to end so soon.

Do you think your achievements have been due to hard work or luck? Support your opinion.


In as much as there is luck, it must be backed with something, and that thing is hard work. These two work hand in hand. The Bible, says "God can only use what is available in our hands to bless us." Can a lazy man have something called luck when he is not hardworking?

My achievements have been due to hard work. I wouldn't have gotten 2k sp in 7 months if I didn't put in hard work and if luck didn't move with me through this journey.

Everything I have achieved so far in life is as a result of luck and hard work.

What does the phrase "Fortune favors the bold" mean to you?

This phrase means that "only the one who has the mindset of success is ever willing to take risk."

Every successfully person today took one risk or the other. They did not fold their hands and wait for luck, they got involved in one risky business that brought about their success.

2 years ago, I involved myself in a business that swallowed up my money, I didn't stop at that, I invested also in a business I thought would benefit me, but it crashed and I lost my money. All these did not make me stop, I kept pushing because I believe in success. And because I am bold, fortune favor me today.

What was the last time you had good or bad luck? Talk about your own experience.

The last time I had good luck was just last night. I woke up this morning with so much joy in me. Then after my prayers and preparations for work, I checked my blog and saw notifications and when I opened, it was a super vote from 01 and the joy in me multiplied greatly.

Bad luck is very far from me. I think the very last one was when my phone was stolen two years ago. But since then, it has been good luck all the way.
Good luck is not far from me.

@ruthjoe @sahmie @nancy0 @eliany @yenny74 come and share with us your view on luck....
 last year 


Certainly every day many have different types of experiences and these are called good luck or bad luck.

I think we all experience that feeling of the fortune of life that seems to be a roulette wheel.

Success for you.

Thank you friend

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