Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release.

Steemit friends,
Today, I will participate in a beautiful engagement challenge from the Reflexiones de Vida community. The name of the engagement challenge is Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4, "Decide, act and release." I really liked the topic of engagement. I was able to write the words of my life. I hope everyone will like my writing.

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What does forgiveness mean to you?

Forgiveness is the virtue of greatness. I think forgiveness is letting go of others despite their mistakes. Forgiveness, on the other hand, is not revenge..png
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Forgiveness is the virtue of greatness. I think forgiveness is letting go of others despite their mistakes. Forgiveness, on the other hand, is not revenge. Forgiveness is not retaliating even if I am the victim of someone's attack. He who has the virtue of forgiveness is a great man. Forgiveness is a psychological thing. Forgiveness requires patience. A forgiving person is patient. God loves a forgiven person.

In your childhood, do you remember your parents forgiving you for any mischief? Tell us about it.

I spent my childhood in the village with my parents. I made many mistakes in my childhood. I heard a lot of scolding from my parents, and they forgave me. I always share with you the most wrong thing I did in my childhood and got forgiven. I used to play cricket very well in my childhood. I used to go far and wide to play in cricket tournaments in my area. I had a very good reputation in cricket. My parents didn't know about my game then. It was a rule in our family when we were young to come home and read as soon as it was evening. The teacher used to sit to teach me. I used to go far away and play cricket every day. It would be late evening to return home. I used to hide in front of the door of the house. I heard that I will be severely punished when I come home today. I didn't go home out of fear. When the night was deep, my parents would come out to look for me. I used to come out in front of the door in fear. He used to hold it by the ear and let it go. He used to warn me not to return home late.

Do you consider yourself to be a grudging person?

No, I don't consider myself a total bore. I find it partly annoying. In some cases, I was unsuccessful, so I felt a bit annoyed..png
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No, I don't consider myself a total bore. I find it partly annoying. In some cases, I was unsuccessful, so I felt a bit annoyed. A few decisions in my life were wrong. Sometimes, when I think of them, I get annoyed with myself. Then, I think it happened as God intended. God is content with what He has given.

Tell us a brief story or anecdote, where it was your turn to ask for forgiveness or, on the contrary, where you were asked for forgiveness.

I am still asking God for forgiveness for that incident..png
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I still apologize for one thing and will always apologize. The incident happened in my childhood. Then, I did not understand and could not control my emotions. I still regret it. I went to play cricket with my uncle, who was the same age as my next-door neighbor. There was a quarrel with my uncle on the playground. Unable to control my emotions and anger, I came home and scolded my uncle's parents. Then, my parents scolded me and apologized to my uncles. I apologized then. But sometimes I still feel like I didn't make that day. I am still asking God for forgiveness for that incident.

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Thank you for reading my post, and I am leaving today. Allah Hafez.
I invite three friends @max-pro, @shahid76, and @hasina78.


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