Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, Act And Release.
Hello Friends!
I so much love this topic, forgiveness is something we all need at one time or another and this is because we're imperfect and are prone to make mistakes. We might hurt or be hurt by what others say or do, and there will be a need to let it go make amends and be friends again. Well, it's not always easy but we just have to find a way, yes a way to let it go for our good, and it will be okay.
What Does Forgiveness Mean To You? |
To me Forgiveness means to let go of wrongs, hurt and resentment. It means to let it go and make amends with someone who offended us, letting go whatever hurts, or whatever is wrong and be friends again. Sometimes we may need to make the first move just to be friends and be close again.
The truth is that whatever wrongs or hurt we let go is nothing to compare with Jehovah God's love and free gift for us, he wants us to be loving and forgiving and always putting up with one another., Always making amends. When we forgive our heart is light.
In Your Childhood, Do You Remember Your Parents Forgiving You For Any Mischief? Tell Us About It. |
Children tends to do silly things so I wasn't exceptional, my parents always warned us against climbing tall trees but my brother and I disobeyed our parent one day and climbed our pear tree when my parents were not around, my cousin and some of our neighbours joined us. Unfortunately for us, we were chased by Swarm (group of Bee 🐝 ) on the tree top, so we were jumping down, but unfortunately for me, I jumped down and hit my cousin's head with my teeth and wounded her seriously.
Hmmm, I automatically became ill, haha I couldn't eat, I couldn't hold it so I went to my Uncle and apologized but it wasn't easy when my parents were back, they scolded and even punished me and I deserved it. I later apologised for not being obedient and my parent freely forgave me. My parents are angels in human form, I learnt forgiveness from them, sometimes they are the ones to make the first move even when the other party is wrong.
Do You Consider Yourself To Be A Grudging Person? |
Nope, I'm an opposite of Resentment, I love and forgive a lot, I have a child's heart and as such make no room for grudges, but this doesn't mean that I don't used to get hurt by what people said or does, but I always find a way to let it go and make amends, because when I forgive my heart is light, I become calm and happy, I normally let it go.
I don't used to harbour resentment when I'm hurt, because it would be like beating up myself and expecting someone else to feel the pain, ha the person I resented may not even be troubled, he/she may be just fine, and enjoying his/her life so I've realized that holding grudge will hurt me more than the person I resent, so the best thing is to let it go!
To me Resentment is a heavy burden and a choice, so I used to choose to let go and be free and happy, what normally helps me is that I don't use to emphasize things I can't control, for example, I can't control what people say or does but I can control how I react to it. I'm not the type who's easily offended or tends to make an issue over minor matters, this quality has helped me over the years to develop and maintain a healthy relationship in my marriage and with others.
Tell Us A Brief Story Or Anecdote, Where It Was Your Turn To Ask For Forgiveness Or, On The Contrary, Where You Were Asked For Forgiveness. |
Yeah I was once rude to my husband, I was stressed and having mood swings, so when he asked me something on the phone I just answered him with harsh words, so he hung up the phone. I later realised my mistake and I felt so bad because he didn't deserve such treatment no matter what, I couldn't concentrate again so I picked up my phone to call him and apologized immediately, but he was calling already, and I picked up then he said something that touched me, do you know he was apologizing should it be he was wrong, gosh I was emotional. So I seize the opportunity to apologise and amend, And I instantly felt relieved.
Conclusions: |
Holding a grudge is a burden and a choice, so always choose to forgive and let go whatever hurts or wrong, let go of anger, by this you will be doing yourself more good than harm. Most importantly, our heavenly father will forgive your own sins and be merciful with you.
I would like to invite my friends @lhorgic @ruthjoe and @jozzie90 to be part of this contest.
Hola querida 👋😚
Que linda publicación la que he leído de tu parte, te felicito por albergar en tu corazón losbpensamiyde nuestro creador Jehová y tomar enserio sus principios y mandamientos como es el de saber perdonar .
Como bien dices sabemos que no es nada fácil pedir perdón pero una vez que lo intentamos de todo corazón y con real sinceridad nuestro Dios Jehová nos ayuda para que los resultados sean exitosos, Además de que nuestro corazón estará menos cargado y más alegre también alegraremos el corazón de nuestro padre Jehová que quiere que perdonemos y tengamos paz.
Mis mas sinceras felicitaciones en tu participación apreciada amiga y espero que nuestro Dios Jehová te siga bendiciendo por ser una persona tan linda y de buen corazón.
Thank you so much my beautiful dear sister. We are trained by Jehovah God and as such we must allow his word to refine us, so that we can be happy. I appreciate you sweet Sis ♥️ and I'm sending love 💞
Saludos mi bella y buena amiga, diste en el clavo con la definiciondel perdon, se trata de dejar de lsdo todo rencor, resentimiento y todo lo negativo posible que solo nos hace daño, como bien dices, sonos nosotros los que elegimos ser libres o prisioneros de esa carga tan horrible. Jaja pobrecita tu prima, pero lo mejor es que te disculpaste. Saludos y bendiciones éxitos en tu estupenda entrada.
Thank you so much for the beautiful commendations and compliment my dear friend. You're right it's good we let go of negative vibes and choose freedom. I appreciate you 💕
La palabra perdón muchas veces nos cuesta decirlo y nuestro creador nos enseñó que debemos perdonar así como el lo hace con nosotros
Es muy cierto de niños haces miles de travesuras sin medir las consecuencias y luego llegar el castigo de parte de nuestros padres que lo único que quieren es el bienestar para nosotros pero eso lo entendemos ya cuando somos adultos, el guardar rencor lo llevamos como una carga en nuestro corazón y eso es algo que nos hace daño
You're absolutely right dear, resentment is a choice, but let's always choose letting go for our own good. Thank you so much I appreciate your contribution.
Saludos Amiga
Exactamente el perdón Es una forma de liberarnos de malos sentimientos que podemos guardar en nuestro corazón bajo malas circunstancias.
Los padres son la luz en nuestra vida son El ejemplo de amor y perdón más valioso que podemos tener y a ellos nos debemos.
Fue una gran travesura el desobedecer sus órdenes porque con eso causaste un daño a tu prima sin embargo allí estuvieron tus padres para otorgarte perdón y hacerte entender que debía ser responsable y cumplir con sus órdenes.
Es bueno que no guardes rencor en tu corazón.
Hello Adriancabrera Friend thank you so much for visiting me today and engaging meaningfully. You know my parents taught the important of all forgive at very tender age, and they are living by example, that is why I grew up to be more forgiving and I hope to instill this beautiful quality in my kids too. I appreciate your time and effort and blessings to you too!
Same, I used to be too naughty in my childhood and did everything that would irk my parents however a time comes when you learn right from wrong and that turns your life for good.
You're right, you can't control what others have to say about you but you can control your own emotions. My best wishes.
Thanks friend, I appreciate your support
Tienes razón amiga, perdonar hace muy bien y se nos quita una carga innecesaria. No debemos dejar que la ira nos invada y termine afectándonos. Siempre debemos tener la madurez de perdonar.
Tremenda travesura hiciste junto a tus primos. Que susto toparse con las abejas. Que bueno que al final tus padres te perdonaron.
Excelente entrada, te felicito 👍
Saludos y bendiciones 🙌