Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release.

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Greetings friends.
This is Shaikh Enamul Islam.
From #Bangladesh.

Greetings dear steemain friends. Welcome to my other SEC blog. I hope you all are well and healthy by the grace of Almighty God. Alhamdulillah, I am fine today. The Reflexiones de Vida community is organizing a contest for the fourth week on an extraordinary topic which is "Decide, act and release.". The contest looks interesting and I am very excited to participate in the contest. So friends without delay let's move to today's topic.

mine.PNGWhat does forgiveness mean to you?mine.PNG

Forgiveness to me means being gentle, patient, tolerant. One of the means of becoming a beloved servant of Allah Ta'ala is to be forgiving because He Himself is forgiving and Allah is forgiving to a servant who shows mercy to other servants or creatures. So many times our bad things come before us or even if we are angry with someone, we forgive.


However, although Allah Ta'ala has endowed every human being with the virtue of forgiveness, many people fail to show forgiveness because they lack patience and tolerance. Forgiveness is a great virtue that no one can acquire easily. So we need to learn this forgiveness from childhood through family and religious education. If you can be a forgiving person then you can be a good person and your Creator will be your companion through life's obstacles.

mine.PNGIn your childhood, do you remember your parents forgiving you for any mischief? Tell us about it.mine.PNG

Yes, my family has forgiven me many times for my misdeeds and taught me the right knowledge. I was a bit naughty in my childhood and my childhood life is full of small mistakes.When I was young I learned to ride a new bicycle and one day I came home from school and started riding my father's bicycle on the road.At that time one of my neighbors elder brother was coming home on a bicycle and as he met me on the street he jokingly talked to me to have a bicycle race. And he left me behind and went forward.


While I was following him on a fast bicycle, I had an accident at the turn of the road, and the middle rod of all the bicycle got bent. But I hide the matter at home for fear of being scolded and later when the neighbor brother came to my house and told the incident, they would know. At first my family was angry with me for not telling them the incident and later forgave me and advised me not to hide such incident. A part of the bicycle was broken it was not a matter but my family was worried about me.

mine.PNGDo you consider yourself to be a grudging person?mine.PNG

I never consider myself a grudging person. I always like to present myself in a calm and smiling manner. I always like to be in a quiet environment and I try to avoid talking too much with people so as not to disturb anyone. I always try to control my brain and mind so that I don't get angry for any reason and whenever I am on the verge of facing such a situation I go into silence. Keep myself busy with other things so that I can think about it later and arrive at a better decision.

mine.PNGTell us a brief story or anecdote, where it was your turn to ask for forgiveness or, on the contrary, where you were asked for forgiveness.mine.PNG

There is an incident in my life where I feel ashamed of my actions and I apologize for those actions. When I was little my friends and I used to buy some firecrackers during Eid i.e. the night before Eid and put them on the street and set them on fire. But an old man from the house next door came and expressed his displeasure at our activities because he breaks his fast, prays and comes home and then reads religious books while resting.


He feel scared and disturbed by the sound of these firecrackers & so he got angry with us and spoke a lot.He angrily tells us to go home and we leave that place and later when we talk about it among ourselves we realize that what we did was not right and we should apologize to that person. So later we meet that person during Isha prayer and we all apologize for that act.

Thanks my dear friends for visiting my blog. I enjoyed this contest so much. I hope everyone has read and enjoyed my publication . For this contest I would like to invite my friends @solaymann @waterjoe , @willmer1988, @msharif, @ripon0630 & @goodybest for this nice contest .

Best Regards




 last year 

Gracias por participar en nuestra comunidad Reflexiones de Vida, es un placer leer y verificar tu entrada.

Estás en lo cierto, perdonar se aprende desde el hogar, dónde se recibe la primera formación de las personas. Existe un dicho que dice que todo sale a luz y más aún cuando se tiene testigo. El accidente de la bicicleta, no fue a propósito y lo bueno que no pasó a mayores, pero deja una lección de que se tiene que ser obediencia.

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Congratulations! This post has been upvoted through Curation Team#2. We support quality posts , good comments anywhere and any tags.
Curated by : @anasuleidy


Thank you so much dear @anasuleidy for this support. 🙂❤️

Wow! You do so well for cultivating a habit of forgiveness and it helps you to stay happy always. It's good you people apologize to the man and Allah likes that as well

Wishing you success in this contest

Thank you dear friend, just as forgiving is a great virtue, asking someone for forgiveness is even more noble. Because it teaches him to be more modest.And Allah loves both of these people. Have a beautiful day. 🙂❤️

Yes that's true thank you for your nice wishes

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