Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W3 | Gesture of Love.

in Reflexiones de Vida10 months ago

Hello everyone how are you doing I am good, today I am feeling very pleased while taking part another wonderful contest and the theme of contest is really mind blowing that is Gesture of Love. i must say love 💕 💕 💕 is life.

Allah has blessed us with a beautiful life and a lot of blessings and one most important thing which makes this life more beautiful is the love gestures of love these are the beauty of life in real sense.

Do you remember having a Gesture of Love? Share your experience.

Yeah,. I have gestures of love more than 1000 times because I am elder at my home and loving daughter of my parents and family too and I have received their love kissing hugging so many times. The always treat me just like doll although I am old enough but still they treat me as their Princess.

Myy father always taught me to be humble, loving and kind with others. I followed it my life and i even talk to others people with a smile so that i can show my politeness and loving nature to them. This is really beauty of the life and i love it.

me and my cute doll
Being mom of a doll i love her, hug and kiss her, teach her the values of love in life so she is really kind in nature and treat others with love.

What person has impacted you in your life and you have not paid attention to help them? Explain.

Well rewind back in my life i had my dear friend whom i could not pay attention and helped. I feel very guilty whenever i thought about her. Actually during my studies i was good in mathematics and statics and taught my fellows who were weak.

A day come when was exam of statistics and i prepared myself and went to sleep, she knocked at door and said i need help in few questions. I said no i am now sleeping i couldn't do please go, she insisted but i didn't listen.

It was unfortunately she failed and went to the severe anxiety abd admitted in hospital. I felt ashamed and guilt alas i wake up.

Make a list of 3 things that move you in your community and what suggestions you give to help. Explain.


As I move in school and gave lecture about balanced diet and nutrition but still people didn't bother it and malnutrition is becoming common in my society which is really problematic for me. Still I arrange session and encourage them to follow the diet plan which I suggest to them.


As the boys grows and the age of 14 started they sit in bad company and started smoking the when I Inspect the class 9th and 10th and the advise them to keep yourself away from these foolish things thank god they understand it and most of them are keeping their self safe from them.

Hygine issues

In present era everyone understand about the hygiene but still the people living in far side villages are not aware about the proper cleaning and hygiene still they didn't clean their hands before eating food nor they being care about the hygiene of oral cavities and giving them lecture continuously hopefully it will be cover in future.

What do you think of the following case: “A friend is in health trouble, you were not able to go visit him, nor did you help him in any way. Shortly afterwards he dies, and you make a great effort to go to the farewell events, you make an effort to bring them flowers and be there” He explains.

Well!!!! Its very painful my colleague died last week due to breast cancer, she was my good friend I am I wanted to see her but I couldn't manage due to travelling issues with my doll as my husband was not at home.

Whenever I try to visit her i failed, she died last week and I can't tell you how I felts said alas i can see her for the last time but after her death as I couldn't see her on her funeral but the thing I can do is the recitation of holy Quran for her and my prayer so that her soul me console and the rest in peace in heaven.

Its all about my today's post i would like to invite my friends @zhanavic69 ,@m-fdo and @uzma4882 to take part in the challenge.

 10 months ago 

Hola querida amiga es un gusto y un placer leerte.

Noté que eres una persona habilidosa para las estadísticas y que sentiste algún tipo de culpa al no poder ayudar a ese compañero cuando lo necesitaba y te frustraste cuando supiste que le dio una crisis de ansiedad porque salió mal, ese tipo de cosas suelen suceder con frecuencia tanto en las materias de estudio como en la vida cotidiana del día a día Pero a veces eso nos hace crecer como persona y ser mejor cada día como en tu caso aprendiste de ello.

Tuviste tremenda entrada en este concurso Por lo cual te auguro un buen desempeño deseándote además saludos bendiciones y éxitos.

 10 months ago 

Hola amiga
Los padres amorosos tienen hijos que son igual de amorosos y es una reacción en cadena que se trasmite de generación en generación.
Es triste lo que le pasó a tu amiga por no prestarle la ayuda en los estudios seglares. En la vida todo lo que pasa nos sirve de experiencia para aprender, no te sientas mal por eso. 🫶

Te deseo lo mejor y muchas bendiciones

Salyzos minda, que bueno das amor en tu hogar en todo momento. Sabes? Excecra de tu vida ese sentimiento de culpa, no te hace bien y mas bien enficate en ayudar siempre que puedas, te resultara mucho mejor. Exitos en tu entrada saludos.

your daughter is so cute as well your post is great i like it good luck

 10 months ago 

Hi @drhira

The sign of love in the world is a true and immense love that a person shows to anyone, for example, he loves his children, his parents, his relatives, the orphans and the poor, and on the contrary, there are many people. There are those who hate the poor and orphans even though loving them is an act of goodness and we get the lesson of goodness, which shows the belief of human love through goodness and love with humanity and you have made the best post. What's the choice? Always keep progressing

Ooopppsss it's sad to see your friend died of breast cancer. Praying for your friend is a good gesture of love you're doing. She may not be there physically but her spirit will be pleased with what you do

Our parents I must say are the source of our love reason why they teach us to grow in love and humility.

Thanks for sharing with us

Muestras ser una persona muy afectuosa con tu familia, y eso es muy importante, disfrutar cada momento junto a ellos y hacerle saber lo importante que son en nuestras vidas.

La desnutrición es uno de los problemas más presentes en todo el mundo, es muy lindo lo que haces dictar conferencias para tratar este problema.

Éxitos en el concurso.

It's very bad when we fail to show that love to people we call our own . Especially when we are capable or in the position to help I know how you felt for not helping your friend .

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