Steemit Engagement Challenge S12W4 | Decide, act and release

Assalamu Alaikum

Hello Everyone, I am @abdul-rakib
From #Bangladesh

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Greetings to all friends of the Riflexiones de vida community. I hope you are well, I am also Alhamdulillah. We've reached the fourth week of season 12. Today I will write my article about an amazing theme of this week. This week's theme is "Decide, Act and Release." Making the right decisions is very important in leading our lives. Today I will publish my publication on this theme.


What does forgiveness mean to you?


Forgiveness to me is letting go of the violence in my mind. Express yourself with self-love. Creating love by building good relationships with others through forgiveness. Forgiveness is like letting go of all your resentments. The peace you feel when you forgive someone is that if you punish them, you will gain power or influence but not peace of mind. People will not want to love you, you will become unlovable to others.
If I forgive you will be kind. So we should first forgive the guilty and give them a chance to improve. Forgiveness is great


In your childhood, do you remember your parents forgiving you for some mischief? tell us.


I was very naughty as a child. We used to go to the field in the afternoon to play cricket or football. Afternoon playing makes
the body very tired and in the evening I used to fall asleep on the reading table, so mom used to tell me to sleep after lunch and I used to play with mom. I went that day too but it was a little late when others started playing and one told me not to play anymore I got angry and hit him and blood came out. He gave judgment at my house, I actually sat beside my mother and told me that day that I had committed two sins that day, one was playing fake to my mother and I was hurting the other. He forgave me that day saying that I would never play fake again and that I would not hurt others even if I did.


Do you consider yourself a spiteful person?


No, I never consider myself a hater. I always try to get along with others. I don't get annoyed with people. I know hatred will make me violent, hinder my success in life and cause me to suffer from dissatisfaction. Hate will rob me of happiness so I try to stay away from hateful behavior.


Tell a short story or anecdote, where it was your turn to apologize or vice versa, they apologized to you.

Photo taken with own mobile

Forgiveness is great, I love studying in the library and go there five days a week to read. Many others read along with me, some new books arrived in the library that day which I and everyone else used to read. A literary book cannot be found there and a library official tells me that I have brought that book. I didn't go to the library for two days because I went to the village so others believed it. He called me with my number from the daily attendance book of the library. I heard such a complaint and it was like falling from the sky. Next day I came and went to the library I challenged and asked to check the cc camera it was seen that the other person is hiding the book in a separate shelf because he will read it first then let someone else read it. Later the boy apologizes to me that he made a mistake and the library officials say sorry to me. I just tell him not to make such accusations without knowing about anyone in particular.


I would like to invite you @isha-rehman @izzatulmaula @crowd1 @arohaman @shahidalinaz to participate in this engagement challenge.LINK


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well


U have well explained everything best of luck

Hola cariño 😊
Wooo has escrito algo muy interesante y cierto y es que cua dobno perdonamos nadie querrá sentir cariño por nosotros, y es cierto una persona rencorosa no la quiere nadie .

Muchas felicidades y gracias por tus opiniones sobre el perdón.

Nuestro Dios no se equivocó cuando nos dijo que perdonar es lo mejor que podemos hacer para que él también nos pueda perdonar .
Éxito en tu participación.

I always try to control myself and forgive others. Your valuable comments inspire me. Thanks for taking the time to read my post.

 last year 

Gracias por participar en nuestra comunidad Reflexiones de Vida, es un placer leer y verificar tu entrada. Cuando somos de noble corazón, es imposible guardar rencor. Si accionamos a tiempo para pedir perdón es la mejor decisión, que sanar cualquier herida.

Saludos y mucho éxito.

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September, 27, 2023

Cada amanecer viene cargado de posibilidades.


Thank you dear for verifying my article.

Salydos amigo, nafa mas liberador y sublime que el perdon, sobretodo porque a quien mas beneficia es a quien lo otorga, ojala todos pudieramoscentenderlo. Nuestros padres suelen perdonarnos en su infinito amor. Saludos y Bendiciones éxitos.

You are right our parents are infinitely kind and always forgive us. Your valuable comments inspire me. Thanks for the comment.

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