Resplandor Lunar | Lunar Glow [Digital Art]


Sharru Digital Art Bannr gif.gif

Hola queridos amigos de Steemit, aquí les dejo imágenes mas detalladas de mi ultimo trabajo. Utilice para su realización Photoshop y Corel Draw... Espero sea de su agrado y estaré encantado de recibir sus comentarios y críticas las cuales me ayudan a crecer día a día!! Desde ya GRACIAS por pasarse por mi publicación!! Bye...

Hello dear friends of Steemit, here I leave more detailed images of my latest work. Use Photoshop and Corel Draw for your realization ... I hope you like it and I will be happy to receive your comments and criticisms that help me grow every day. Thanks for reading my post! Bye...






Sharru Digital Art Bannr gif.gif


A humble contribution from @fenngen. If you want to support good content who are under 1 dollar worth of rewards, follow my curation trail and help small accounts grow. I upvote content related to:

  • Art
  • Poetry
  • Photography
  • Veganism
  • Spirituality
  • Self-development
  • Permaculture
  • Creativity
  • Psychology
  • Traveling
  • Blogs and vlogs
  • Anarchy
  • DIY


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