SEC-S18W6 | My travel destination in 2024 |

in Traveling Steem22 days ago (edited)

Hey evryone! hope that you all are good and enjoying a good time. today im gonna share about the travel destination of this year that i have planned. i explored a lot of the places but this time i planned something different for the travelliing. i visited alot of the places within my beautiful country Pakistan but I planned to go abroad this time and want to spend a memorable time in my dream place Turkey. the main eye catching core in Turkey is istanbul. one of my aunt lives there and she invited us there. i planned to go in the end month of the 2024 which december cuz with studies im quite comfortable with going there in the winter vacations. lets talk more about it;

Green and Yellow Illustrative Travel Poster Landscape.png

Where is your travel destination in 2024? Tell us about it and why you put it at the top of your travel destinations.

Istanbul is definitely a beautiful destination with its rich history stunning architectur and vibrant culture. Its no wonder why it's at the top of my list for 2024 is that this city served as th capital of the Byzantine and Ottoman Empire making it a melting pot of civilizations and traditions.

One of the highlights of Istanbul is its iconic landmarks such as the Hagia Sophia Blue Mosque Topkapi Palace These sites not only showcase breathtaking beauty but also reflect the city historical significance.

Moreover Istanbul location straddling Europe and Asia gives it a unique charm blending different influences in its cuisine art and lifestyle.whether you're exploring the bustling Grand Bazaar, cruising along the Bosphorus or indulging in delicious Turkish delightn Istanbul offers a truly immersive experience

Visiting Istanbul allows you to walk in the footsteps of emperors sultans and traders understanding the diverse tapestry of cultures that have shaped this city over the centuries Its a place where the past seamlessly meets the presen Ccreating an atmosphere that is both enchanting and inspirmg

What kind of travel experiences are you planning there?

The travel experiences in Istanbul promise to create unforgettable memories and provide a deeper understanding of this Beautiful city

The Blue Mosque (Sultan Ahmed Mosque) one of Istanbul most iconic landmarks the Blue Mosque stands out with its grand architecture and serene atmosphere itss names for the blue tiles that adorn its interior wallsn this masterpiece of ottoman architecture is a sight to behold in heart.

Gray Photo Mosque Marhaban Ya Ramadhan Instagram Post.png
Sunset at Galata Tower Climb the historic Galata Tower to witness a breathtaking sunset over the city. take in panoramic views of Istanbuls skyline the bosphorus and the golden Horn just like as the sun sets painting the sky in hues off the charming colours


Cultural Immersion when yuh justt mmerse yourself in Istanbul s rich culture by wandering through thee bustling streets of neighborhoodss like sultanahmet and Beyogluu explore the Grand Bazaar one of the oldest and largest covered markets in the world to haggle for treasures and soak in the lively atmosphere

Historical Streets - Canva Banner.png

Are you planning the trip solo or will you have a travel companion?

Ive always held a deep fascination for Istanbul a city stEeped in history and brimming with cultural richness from the majestic domes and minarets that adorn the skyline to the bustling markets and aromatic street food stall every corner of Istanbul seems to whisper tales of its illustrious pastthe thought of exploring the Hagia sophia wandering through the labyrinthine streets of the Grand bazaarland savoring traditional turkish delights like baklava and kebabs fills me with immense excitement sharing these experiences with a cherished companion would make this journey even more memorable weaving our own stories into the tapestry of this enchanting city the friends make ur journey more memotable.

Beige Shadow Best Friend Photo Collage.png

If you could take any Steemian as a travel companion, who would it be?

if i get this oppurtunity to take any steemian participant or companion so i wold like to tske my steemian copanion @nooruleman @sanakhan01 @abb-e-hayyat with me. she is so supportive and helped me alott and i thought she will also make my journey towards my dream place more enjoyable.

Share the estimated steem value of what your trip would cost to complete?

the estimated amount for the trip of dream place in refrence with the sreem count is about 500 steems including the travelling harges as well as the food and shopping expenses .


What an exciting plan Istanbul sounds amazing with it beautiful landmark and rich history i hope you have a wonderful time visiting your aunt and exploring all the great sites. Have a fantastic trip.

Thanks alott for sharing your love sister ❤️

 21 days ago (edited)


استنبول ایک قدیمی اور خوبصورت شہر ہے ترکی کا یہ
شہر میرا خیال میں اس کا دارالحکومت بھی ہے ابھی ماضی میں استنبول اور ترکی کے کافی ڈرامے چمکتے رہے ہیں اور پوری دنیا میں اپنا فن دکھاتے رہے ہیں خاص طور پر ارتغرل غازی والا ۔ اس ڈرامے نے لوگوں کے دلوں میں استنبول اور ترکی جانے کی طلب مزید پیدا کر دی ہے لیکن میں نہیں جانتا کہ اپ نے یہ ڈرامہ دیکھا ہے یا نہیں خیر یہ سفر اپ کے لیے یادگار ہوگا اور میں چاہتا ہوں کہ اپ یہاں ضرور جائیں اور انجوائے کریں سلامت رہیں

😊بہت شکریہ آپ کے مہربان تبصرے کے لیے۔

 21 days ago 

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 21 days ago 

আপনি এমন একটি জায়গা বেছে নিয়েছেন যেখানে হাজারো ইতিহাস হাজারো প্রাসাদ হাজারও সুন্দর অভিসরণীয় স্মৃতি রয়েছে। ইসলামের জন্য সেখানে অনেক ইতিহাস রচিত হয়েছে। সেই জায়গাটিতে ভ্রমণ করার জন্য আপনি তৎপর হয়ে আছেন।শুধু তাই নয় এই সালে আপনার এই ভ্রমণ হবে ইনশাআল্লাহ। ভালো লাগলো আপনার পরিকল্পনা এবং দ্রুত আল্লাহতালা বাস্তবায়ন করুক ভালো থাকবেন 🥰💘

আপনার মধুর কথার জন্য অনেক ধন্যবাদ! আমি সত্যিই এই ভ্রমণ এবং এমন একটি ঐতিহাসিক ও সুন্দর স্থান অন্বেষণ করার সুযোগ নিয়ে খুব উত্তেজিত। আপনার সমর্থন আমার কাছে অনেক মূল্যবান। ইনশাআল্লাহ, এই ভ্রমণটি একটি স্মরণীয় হবে, যা শিখা এবং আধ্যাত্মিক বৃদ্ধিতে পরিপূর্ণ থাকবে। আল্লাহ আপনাকেও আশীর্বাদ করুন এবং অনেক চমৎকার অভিজ্ঞতা দিন। ভালো থাকুন!💗

 21 days ago 

Hey dear ur city of Istanbul fully of history and cultured very explored that like the Hagia Sophia and the Grand Bazaar so while enjoyed of the delicioues on turkish delightes would be a unforgettablle experiense best of luck & thanks for mention me friend…

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